Promethease is a literature retrieval system that builds a personal DNA report based on connecting a file of DNA genotypes to the scientific findings cited in SNPedia. I like Promethease because it helps me understand the little things about myself. For example: I’m more able to detect β-ionone (floral) fragrance. Individuals vary in their ability to […]
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Tag: DNA
Eat Right For Your Blood Type
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING DIET PHENOMENON Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo is a noted naturopathic physician, researcher, and lecturer, and the author of the revolutionary Eat Right series. His extensive research and clinical testing of the connection among blood type, health, and disease has garnered international recognition and led to groundbreaking work on many illnesses. […]
Science explains why you hate your close relative’s natural scent
People can recognize the smell of their close family members – but surprisingly, they do not like it. When asked which smells they liked, the answers were even more intriguing. The volunteers far preferred the smells of other people to those of their own family members. Czilli then asked everyone to sniff two T-shirts, one […]
DNA & Your Unconscious Mind
Why do we find certain people more attractive than others? Have you heard it said “you can’t help who you’re attracted to?” while it might be true, your unconscious mind is making DNA level decisions for you. Why do we find symmetry to be more attractive? Dr.Gancstead says it may have to do with oxidative […]
Scientists explains why women of color ages 10 to 20 years slower
Do YOU have the younger gene? Scientists identify genetic recipe that knocks years off our age – and you’re twice as likely to have it if you are black. Harvard scientists led a study involving almost one million people with private genetic database 23andMe and found one in ten white and a fifth of black […]
Seeing Color For The First Time
Color blindness affects millions of people worldwide. Most men are color blind, It affects 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women. CVD (Color Vision Deficiency) can be acquired, but most are inherited genetically. The genes that influence the colors inside the eyes, called ‘photopigments,’ are carried on the X chromosome. If these genes are […]
Sequencing My Genome
For privacy reasons I will not post my specific genetic variations but will share & summarize some pretty interesting facts… 1 – Intelligence; longevity a May 2014 paper suggests this variant improves intelligence. Has higher cranial capacity. Another IQ gene? Better intracranial volume? Slightly increased lifespan? This is a well known longevity gene. Longer telomeres, […]
Vikings in Morocco and Africans in early medieval Ireland & Britain?
This might explain why some Scandinavian genes are showing up in a few DNA test results of African descendants. –Sea expeditions of the Viking Age Three burials from early medieval Britain that have been identified as those of African women on the basis of an examination of their skeletal remains. One of the burials in […]
Haitian man shares his Ancestry DNA Results
World Map Of Haiti –Historia con Mapas The Taíno people were the indigenous people of the Caribbean and Florida. At the time of European contact in the late 15th century, they were the principal inhabitants of most of Cuba, Trinidad , Jamaica, Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), and Puerto Rico. In the Greater Antilles, the […]
Is it possible to inherit our ancestors’ memories?
After years of our ancestors trauma, how do we reconstruct ourselves? –thefuturesagency Theories that suggest that we can tap into the deep nature of DNA to uncover ancient memories are not new. In the 1960s, some psychological researchers claimed that there may be keys that unlock our DNA, revealing experiences of generations of our relatives […]
Ancestry DNA Results
For this result I used AncestryDNA I used this company because they have the largest database. When I first read the results & saw this map, I wasn’t really shocked. I knew I was of mixed heritage. It also explains and help me understand my appearance. I’m mostly composed of African & European Ancestry. Like many […]
Bone Fragment of a 10,000 year old Middle Eastern DNA
Scientists from Europe, the United States and Iran who examined the DNA of 9,000 to 10,000-year-old bone fragments discovered in a cave near Eslamabad, 600 kilometers (370 miles) southwest of the Iranian capital of Tehran, found they belonged to a man with black hair, brown eyes and dark skin? Click map to view larger image […]
What Are You?
Carmen Lee Solomons is an South African Model currently in the U.S. with a unique beauty of her own. Quote: This is a question I receive on a daily basis since I’ve been in America. The Khoisan people moved upwards to East Africa, where civilization then began in the Nile valley (Starting in Ethiopia, where Asian […]
Are We All Related?
If you think your family is big now, it’s about to get even bigger. A new family tree project is showing that we have more cousins than we even realize. You may not know it yet, but AJ Jacobs is probably your cousin (many, many times removed). Using genealogy websites, he’s been following the unexpected […]
The Theory of Natural Selection?
We asked Historian Robin Walker; If everyone came from Africans who migrated off the continent, how did other races emerge? In 1999 he wrote Classical Splendour: Roots of Black History published in the UK by Bogle L’Ouverture Publications. In the same year, he co-authored The West African Empire of Songhai, a textbook that is used […]
The DNA Journey
We asked people from all over the world to take a DNA test. It turns out that they have much more in common with other nationalities than they would ever have imagined. This video takes us on Carlos’ journey. Carlos is an event manager, model and entrepreneur, who is – or thinks he is! – […]
Origin & Meaning of The One Drop Rule
When was the first time you learned about the one-drop rule? The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry (“one drop” of black blood) is considered black (Negro in historical terms). […]
CASEY AKA The Case Facee
Nationality: American Ethnicity: Caucasian Father, Native American Indian & African descent mother. Currently in College. Casey, from Florida, shares her story and feelings about how people gave her a hard time because they didn’t see her as the ethnicities she was and how her most important identity is her personal identity beyond race or ethnicity. […]
Woman with blue eyes in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
“Her beauty among such devastation was like seeing a lotus flower blossom from the mud.” I was on assignment for the Smithsonian magazine photographing the destroyed art after the earthquake in Haiti. Having previously covered the disaster, the destruction of so many thousands of paintings and sculptures was a whole new sadness I hadn’t realized […]
Eve (Discovery Channel)
Broadcast (2002) Narrated by Danny Glover, “The Real Eve” reveals that our shared genetic heritage links every living person on earth and traces the expansion of modern humans throughout the world. The discovery of the Eve gene stunned the world. It seems we could all be descended from just one female who lived in Africa. […]
Why Women Outlive Men
Loss Of Y Chromosome Makes Men Live Shorter Lives: Answer To Why Women Outlive Men May Lie In Our DNA Men may have shorter lifespans than women because of differences in our DNA. Source: Answer To Why Women Outlive Men May Lie In Our DNA
What Color Eyes will your Children Have?
Blue eye Indian child below Haitian child with blue eyes below Asian blue eyes child below Source: What Color Eyes will your Children Have? | Understanding …
Memories Can Be Passed Down Through DNA
Attractive Friends Make You Hotter
The Power of Beauty: Survival of the Prettiest
Physical Attraction: The Mysteries of Magnetism
Designer Babies?
Ancient DNA Ancient DNA Reveals That Some Neanderthals Were Redheads Science writer Carl Zimmer speaks at Yale Medical School about how new discoveries about Neanderthals are helping us better understand what it means to be human. For more information, see
Professor Gates: History and DNA
Haiti and The Dominican Republic- The Roots of Division In the Dominican Republic, Professor Gates explores how race has been socially constructed in a society whose people reflect centuries of inter-marriage, and how the country’s troubled history with Haiti informs notions about racial classification. In Haiti, Professor Gates tells the story of the birth […]
Applachia’s Melungeon
“There were a whole lot of people upset by this study,” lead researcher Roberta Estes said. “They just knew they were Portuguese, or Native American.” In recent decades, interest in the origin of the Melungeons has risen dramatically with advances both in DNA research and in the advent of Internet resources that allow individuals to […]