Tabiry was the daughter of Alara of Nubia and his wife Kasaqa and the wife of King Piye. She held some interesting titles: Main King’s Wife, first of her majesty (hmt niswt ‘at tpit n hm.f) (the only other queen to hold the Main King’s Wife title was Nefertiti) and “The Great One of the Foreign Country” (ta-aat-khesut). She […]
Read MorePosts tagged Sudan
Queen Amanirenas Of Kush In Nubia
Amanirenas (also spelled Amanirena) was one of the greatest kandakes, or queen mothers, who ruled over the Meroitic Kingdom of Kush in Nubia, (a region from Southern Egypt to Northern Sudan). Amanirenas was the second of several “Qore and Kandake’s” (the title given to ruling Queens). She reigned over the kingdom between 40 BC to […]
Read MoreAfricans in Greece
The Minoans may have first come into contact with Africans at Thebes, during the periodic bearing of tribute to the pharaoh. In fact, paintings in the tomb of Rekhmire, dated to the fourteenth century B.C., depict African and Aegean peoples, most likely Nubians and Minoans. However, with the collapse of the Minoan and Mycenaean palaces […]
Read MoreAfrican nations will interconnect power grids by 2020
“Connections between Kenya and Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, Egypt and Sudan are at advanced stages of being commissioned,” he stated. –okmalume.africaafrica-to-interconnect-power-grids The continent currently generates approximately 120,000 MW of power with the South Africa and Egypt as the biggest producers. He added that the Democratic Republic of Congo’s(DRC) Inga Hydro electric […]
Read MoreThe Kush Empire
Archaeologists are finding widespread evidence that the kingdom of Kush once had influence over a 750-mile stretch of the Nile Valley. For five centuries in the second millennium B.C., the kingdom of Kush flourished with the political and military prowess to maintain some control over a wide territory in Africa. On the periphery of history […]
Read MoreNatural & Beautiful Elongated Skulls of Africans and African descendants found in 2016?
Ancient Egyptians Depiction In Art –No comment on this subject matter Genetic similarities of Africans and African descendants found in 2016? Source: This was Published on Aug 21, 2016 by Al Jazeera news Al Jazeera’s Catherine Soi reports from a new settlement area in northern Uganda. Sudan, once the largest and one of the most geographically diverse states in […]
Read MoreAncient Nubia, Egypt’s Rival in Africa?
For centuries the extraordinary monumental achievements of ancient Egypt have dominated the history of African civilizations in the public mind. It is not until the last 60 years or so that research and excavation has gradually revealed to us the extent and power of the great kingdoms of ancient Nubia. Produced by Penn Museum, Penn Museum Education Department, and Annenberg TV. Narrated […]
Read MoreBeautiful Images: The Ancient Kingdom Of Sudan, Africa
Ancient Nubia In November 2011, Museum Curator Alex de Voogt, Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Francigny, and Research Associate William Harcourt-Smith set out on a Constantine S. Niarchos Expedition to Sudan. Over the course of two weeks, the team traveled some 2,000 kilometers and visited about 20 archaeological sites dating from the ancient kingdom of Meroë. Beautiful […]
Read MoreThe Adungu Harp of Uganda & other African Lyres like the Kora is almost identical to the ancient Egyptian Arched harp?
THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN HARP Elaborately decorated model arched harp: the underside of the soundbox, which is in the shape of a ladle, is rounded and finely carved. It ends in a human head, turned slightly to the left, with lengthy wig and double crown. The Adungu Harp of Uganda is strikingly similar to an example […]
Read MoreAncient Nubian Temple Found In Sudan, Africa
Archaeologists excavated a sprawling temple complex dedicated to the god Amun at the Sudanese site of Dangeil. Egypt’s most important and enduring relationship was, arguably, with its neighbor to the south, Nubia, which occupied a region that is now in Sudan. The two cultures were connected by the Nile River, whose annual flooding made civilization […]
Read MoreAfrican Descendants Around The World
“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an English idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does. Pakistan In pictures: Pakistan’s indigenous African community […]
Read MoreTheorizing Ancient Solar Flare or Sola Rays that possibly scorched our Skin & Hair?
I’m just theorizing if it was a gradual process or unexpected and extreme that lead us looking the way we do today.- Sola The Sun’s Wrath: Worst Solar Storms in History A similar event could wreak significant havoc today. That’s because our modern technology, including satellites, radio transmissions and power grids, could be seriously hampered […]
Read MoreThe Theory of Natural Selection?
We asked Historian Robin Walker; If everyone came from Africans who migrated off the continent, how did other races emerge? In 1999 he wrote Classical Splendour: Roots of Black History published in the UK by Bogle L’Ouverture Publications. In the same year, he co-authored The West African Empire of Songhai, a textbook that is used […]
Read MoreThe Deffufa Temples in Kerma, Nubia, Sudan at least 9,500 years old?
Ancient Architecture and urban planning by the Africans. One of its most endearing structure was the Deffufa, a mud brick temple which ceremonies were performed on top. It is 18 meters tall and comprises three stories. The deffufa is a unique structure in Nubian Architecture. Three known deffufa exist. The Western Deffufa at Kerma, an Eastern […]
Read MoreAfricans In India as far back as the 4th century?
India and Africa have a shared history that runs deeper than is often realized. Trade between the regions goes back centuries – 4th century CE Ethiopian (Aksumite) coins have been found in southern India. Several African groups, particularly Muslims from east Africa, came to India as slaves and traders. On settling down in the country, […]
Read More35 New Ancient Pyramids & Graves Discovered (2009-2012) in Sudan, Africa
One overlooked fact is that Sudan has more pyramids than Egypt, in places like Nuri and Bijrawiyah, though they are smaller and not as old. Meroe was often ruled by queens, known by the title “kandake,” and boasts scores of pyramids similar in shape to the one exhibited on a one-dollar bill. “I discovered a […]
Read MoreAncient Nubian Pyramids in Sudan, Africa
WT—Expedition to Sudan—Wilderness Travel “Africa is a big Continent. Ancient civilizations were built and destroyed like many others. Wars, weather, time, invasions and sofourth had ruined some of these monuments. Please keep in mind that the earliest Homo-sapian sapian was discovered here. Can you even imagine some of the oldest civilizations that has not been […]
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