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Tag: Mediterranean
“Gas Hole” Documentary
Anyone who buys gas should see this film.
An eye-opening documentary about the history of oil prices. There are viable and affordable alternatives to fuel! It also provides a detailed examination of our continued dependence on foreign oil and examines various potential solutions — starting with claims of buried technology that dramatically improves gas mileage, to navigating bureaucratic governmental roadblocks, to evaluating different alternative fuels that are technologically available now. Narrated by Peter Gallagher, hear from a wide range of opinions from representatives of the US Department of Energy Officials, Congressional leaders both Democrat and Republican, Alternative Fuel Producers, Alternative Fuel Consumers (including actor Joshua Jackson), Professors of Economics and Psychology and more.
Who Killed the Electric Car?
A documentary that investigates the birth and death of the electric car, as well as the role of renewable energy and sustainable living in the future.
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
I would love to be the female version of Robin Leach hosting travel shows such as The Luxury channel, Wealth TV & Billionaire Playgrounds to name a few. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous is a television series that aired in syndication from 1984 to 1995. The show featured the extravagant lifestyles of wealthy entertainers, athletes and business moguls. It was hosted by robin Leach for the majority […]
Anais Mali
Nationality:French Place of birth: Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France Ethnicity: Polish / Tchad
African Tribal Dance
From the movie “Coming to America”. Choreography by Paula Abdul Her father (Harry Abdul) is of Sephardic Jewish background from Syria. Her mother is also Jewish and was born in Canada. Her parents have lived in Syria, Brazil, and Canada – and this varied background has contributed to incredibly different stories in the press […]
Instagram’s Kevin Systrom a Silicon Valley Star
Facebook’s $1 billion purchase of the photo app made Kevin Systrom the latest tech cult hero. It happened only because he chose school of Zuckerberg’s start-up.
Math Gender Gap
Girls’ Math Skills May Fall Short Of Boys’ Because Of Male Impulsiveness. By:, staff Published: 07/28/2012 10:45 PM EDT on LiveScience From an early age, boys tend to take a more impulsive approach to math problems in the classroom, which might help them get ahead of girls in the long-run, suggests the latest study […]
Amazing Methods of Calculation
25,000 yr old Mathematical Instrument found in Congo The oldest complex Mathematical System was found in 1950 in Eastern Congo in the region known as Ishango. It is a carved bone which consisted of notches on 3 faces on the carved bone. These notches suggests an ancient knowledge of multiplication and prime numbers using the […]
The Image of Cleopatra
Cleopatra, the last Egyptian Pharaoh, renowned for her beauty Click on the article and interview below: remains of the queen’s sister Princess Arsinoe, found in Ephesus, Turkey. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Buried city and 17 pyramids revealed by satellite An infra-red satellite image reveals the pattern of streets and houses in the buried ancient city […]
Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Komnenos and his second wife Maria of Antioch
Italy (c. 1150) Found in the Vatican Library, Rome. Artist: Unknown Manuel I Komnenos was a Byzantine Emperor of the 12th century who reigned over a crucial turning point in the history of Byzantium and the Mediterranean. His reign saw the last flowering of the Komnenian restoration, during which the Byzantine Empire had seen a […]
7Ft Tall Africans In Ancient Roman Times?
European, American & Canadian Reports- –Forgotten Race – Hugh Newman Sounds like the basket ball players of our modern times, that were ancient African soldiers in the Mediterranean. Thank you A.P. for writing this article… Tall African men exist even today, they are our great athletes we admire. For instance, the 7 foot 1 inch Chamberlain […]
Monaco’s Baroness Cecile de Massy
Baronness Cecile de Massy, wife of Baron Christian Louis de Massy, son of the late Princess Antoinette of Monaco, and cousin of Prince Albert of Monaco. She is of Caribbean descent. Cecile is the highest ranked black person in Monaco. She is the patroness of Ladies Lunch Monaco. Among its activities, she is also Vice-President […]
Italian Gold Ring Depicting An African Boy?
Bust of an African boy MANY of the best-known artists of the Renaissance (Peter Paul Rubens, Albrecht Dürer and Jacopo da Pontormo among them) made portraits of Africans. But who were the men, women and children they portrayed? – Date: late 16th century Culture: Italian, probably Venice Africans also chose to visit Europe, travelling on religious or […]
Thracian Treasures: Golden Phial & Amphora With African Faces Found In Bulgaria, Europe?
Most of what we know about the ancient Thracians comes from surviving ancient Greek and Roman sources. The Thracians were an ancient ethnic group that inhabited parts of what is today European Turkey and the extreme north of Greece, but the vast majority of Thracian land is in what is today Bulgaria. Although Thrace as an […]
Science Fiction& Fantasy Art of Ancient Egypt III to inspire
Did a highly advanced civilization exist in prehistory? Is the Giza Pyramid a remnant of their technology? Then, what was the power source that fueled such a civilization? –Egyptian Pharaoh by Chris Ducas Ancient Egyptian art is the painting, sculpture, architecture and other arts produced by the civilization of ancient Egypt in the lower Nile […]
Africans in Greece
The Minoans may have first come into contact with Africans at Thebes, during the periodic bearing of tribute to the pharaoh. In fact, paintings in the tomb of Rekhmire, dated to the fourteenth century B.C., depict African and Aegean peoples, most likely Nubians and Minoans. However, with the collapse of the Minoan and Mycenaean palaces […]
Michelangelo’s Image of Cleopatra
Drawing of Cleopatra made by Michelangelo between 1533 and 1534. –Wiki This is one of the few authenticated drawings of Michelangelo and was drawn for Tommaso de’ Cavalieri, a young artist that Michelangelo passionately loved. This is the only drawing, of what Michelangelo claimed many drawings presenting to Cavlieri, that we have left. The drawing […]
A Handsome Pharaoh With Wings Statue In Italy
Some people (who wish to stay anonymous) think that, this is a better representation of what the ancient Egyptians actually looked like. Curran vividly recreates this first wave of European Egyptomania with insightful interpretations of the period’s artistic and literary works. In doing so, he paints a colorful picture of a time in which early moderns […]
African Gladiators Under Caesar’s Rule?
Caesar, Morituri te salutant! [“Caesar, Those about to die salute you.!”] The city was becoming an important trade center. Probably in the first half of the sixth century, the Carthaginian admiral Hanno founded several colonies along the coast of what is now Morocco and proceeded to the gold river Senegal, and even reached Mount Cameroon. […]
E-V13 DNA originated in Northeastern Africa around 18,000 years ago entered Europe at some time via the Balkans?
Why the men of Abergele carry the rare marker is not yet known, but its high frequency could be due to the settlement of the town during the 1st to 4th centuries AD by Roman soldiers. –The Last Legion Movie Still- 2007 A more likely Roman genetic legacy in the British Isles lies in the […]
Bust Of The Ethiopian King Memnon?
Roman; Thyreatis, Greece (c. 170 C.E.) –Tom Ljevar This marvelous bust is one of the very few documents of an actual black person from Greek and Roman antiquity. Memnon was a pupil and protégé of the well-known Athenian entrepreneur and philosopher Herodes Atticus. It was found more than a century ago in one of several […]
Mosaic Of Two Fighters Dueling From Rome, Italy
This portrays two fighters dueling with shields and swords. The influences of these mosaics are rooted in late antique impressionism that could be seen in frescoes, manuscript paintings and many pavement mosaics across villas in Africa, Syria and Sicily during the 5th century. The utterances they shout at each other are reproduced in written form: fol! […]
Forgotten or Unknown Roman Fresco
Curious looking Image from Roman Pompeii? Heracles stands beside the enthroned Lydian Queen Omphale. Above him is the winged goddess Nike, and a Satyr-boy or the god Pan holding a set of pipes. By his feet are an eagle, a lion, and the hero’s infant son Telephos suckling a doe. Museum Collection: Museo Archeologico Nazionale di […]
The Temple Of Memnon?
There was a temple in ancient Hal-tam-ti (biblical Elam-today’s Iran) called “The Temple of Memnon“? Tales of Memnon have inspired poets and sages for 3000 years, portraying an amazing figure whose name became associated with statues along the Nile, with temples and tombs in ancient Turkey and Iran and with artwork and literature from ancient […]
Ethiopian King Memnon Was A Greek Mythical Character?
To the ancient Greeks, the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa were known collectively as Ethiopians, literally ‘those with burnt faces’. Theirs was a fabled land connected to the Greek world in myth. For example, there is the Ethiopian princess Andromeda, rescued by Perseus, and Memnon, who led the Ethiopians in the Trojan War. –Black-figured amphora. Greek, […]
The Departure of Memnon for Troy, Greek
In Greek mythology, Memnon (Greek: Mέμνων) was an Ethiopian king and son of Tithonus and Eos. –The departure of Memnon for Troy. Greek, circa 550-525 BC. Black-figure vase. Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, Belgium. As a warrior he was considered to be almost Achilles’ equal in skill. During the Trojan War, he brought an army […]
London was ethnically diverse in ancient times
Map Of The Roman Empire The most complete skeleton studied was that of a 14-year-old girl, who the museum curators have named “The Lant Street teenager“. Analysis of her DNA and chemicals in her teeth show that she grew up in North Africa. Her mitochondrial DNA lineage (passed down on the maternal line only) is […]
Ancient Faces: Another Mummy Portrait From Egypt, Africa
Social status The patrons of the portraits apparently belonged to the affluent upper class of military personnel, civil servants and religious dignitaries. Not everyone could afford a mummy portrait; many mummies were found without one. Flinders Petrie states that only one or two per cent of the mummies he excavated were embellished with portraits. The rates […]
Ancient Faces: The Mummy Portraits From Egypt
“Tondo of the Two Brothers” In the last decade, the genre of Roman painted portraiture that was first discovered in the cemeteries of Egypt’s Fayum Oasis has inspired a series of important publications, conferences and international exhibitions. 1 Primarily painted on wooden panels, these vivid likenesses are persistently termed Fayum portraits, despite the fact that […]