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Wedding Cinematography


Mankind could turn to geoengineering to solve our problems with the environment

Mankind could turn to geoengineering to solve our problems with the environment

“NASA is playing God, its making its own weather” – Jeremy Clarkson, heads to Mississippi where NASA test their Space Shuttle solid rocket boosters, consuming half a million gallons of fuel. During this test NASA manage to create artificial clouds. –From BBC Top Gear Quote: Now the most amazing thing is that back cloud out […]

Ghanaian Chieftain Son Marries English Woman

Ghanaian Chieftain Son Marries English Woman

The occasion was front-page news in Britain, in Ghana, and many other countries. Coverage in newspapers around the world ranged from the hostile to skeptical to admiring. He was born in Kumasi to Nana James Appiah and Nana Adwoa Akyaa, members of the Ashanti imperial aristocracy. Joe Appiah, a Ghanaian political figure and former diplomat […]

Trans Model – Carmen Carrera

Transgender Child

ACTRESS: Micaela Reis

ACTRESS: Micaela Reis

Why Girls Are Entering Puberty Earlier Than Ever

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

Are Men Going Extinct?

Mysteries of the Heart

Teenage Brain Explained

Shrinking Your Brain

Models of Color

Models of Color

  Source: Models Of Color

The Power of Beauty: Survival of the Prettiest

Pheromone and Hypnotic Scents

Sound of attraction

Science of the Heart

Physical Attraction: The Mysteries of Magnetism

“Beauty Sleep”

The science of attraction

The Psychology of Love

Your Brain on Love


Why Are Babies So Cute?

Why Girls Are So Mean

Do You Have A Racial Preference?


How to Buy an Ring for Valentine’s Day

Hair Archaeologist? She’s Real

Google’s ‘Take Your Parents To Work’ Day

Mega-Wedding for the #SuperRich