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Fashions with Uganda

Rick Guidotti – Redefining beauty

Beauty in Hong Kong

Korean Traditional Skin Treatment

Beautiful High Fashion Models

Beautiful High Fashion Models

         Source: Models Of Color

Suboo Swimwear Summer 2014 | Miami Swim Fashion Week

Grace Mahary: Top Model

World Athletes

The Fashion of Modelling

Chinese beauty queen

36 24 36 – the feminine beauty

Ideal Women

Ideal Women from Elena Rossini on Vimeo.

Beauty in America

Stephen Wiltshire draws Tokyo from memory

Stephen Wiltshire draws Tokyo from memory

One of Stephen’s extraordinary abilities is to memorize landscapes up to the highest detail. During this flight he had a thorough look at the view of the Japanese capital from the helicopter including thousands of buildings, towers, high-ways, cars, buses, even down to intricate details of trees and windows. Following the 30 minutes ride Stephen […]


The Golden Ratio Formula for Beauty?

The Golden Ratio Formula for Beauty?

It has long been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and thought that beauty varies by race, culture or era. The evidence, however, shows that our perception of physical beauty is hard wired into our being and based on how closely the features of one’s face reflect phi in their proportions. […]

Trans Model – Carmen Carrera

Transgender Child

ACTRESS: Micaela Reis

ACTRESS: Micaela Reis

Why Girls Are Entering Puberty Earlier Than Ever

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

Are Men Going Extinct?

Mysteries of the Heart

Teenage Brain Explained

Shrinking Your Brain

Models of Color

Models of Color

  Source: Models Of Color

The Power of Beauty: Survival of the Prettiest

Pheromone and Hypnotic Scents

Sound of attraction

Science of the Heart