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Ethiopian Princess Andromeda and Greek demi-god Perseus

Ethiopian Princess Andromeda and Greek demi-god Perseus

Aphrike in Greek means “without cold.” The word Ethiopia in Greek means “burnt complexion.” This maybe one of the oldest surviving ancient writings of an Interracial Couple. The beautiful Andromeda was the daughter of the Ethiopian king Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. One day, the vain Queen had bragged that her daughter Andromeda was more beautiful […]

Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Komnenos and his second wife Maria of Antioch

Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Komnenos and his second wife Maria of Antioch

Italy (c. 1150) Found in the Vatican Library, Rome. Artist: Unknown Manuel I Komnenos  was a Byzantine Emperor of the 12th century who reigned over a crucial turning point in the history of Byzantium and the Mediterranean. His reign saw the last flowering of the Komnenian restoration, during which the Byzantine Empire had seen a […]

Thracian Treasures: Golden Phial & Amphora With African Faces Found In Bulgaria, Europe?

Thracian Treasures: Golden Phial & Amphora With African Faces Found In Bulgaria, Europe?

Most of what we know about the ancient Thracians comes from surviving ancient Greek and Roman sources. The Thracians were an ancient ethnic group that inhabited parts of what is today European Turkey and the extreme north of Greece, but the vast majority of Thracian land is in what is today Bulgaria. Although Thrace as an […]

Gold & the Gods: Jewels of Ancient Nubia

Gold & the Gods: Jewels of Ancient Nubia

In antiquity, Nubians believed that gold was a sacred material with protective powers, so jewelry makers used the metal frequently. Double Hathor head earring, Nubian, Meroitic Period, 90 AD. This is only a fraction of the ancient Nubian accessories. Gold earring Nubian, Meroitic Period Thousands of years ago, Northern Sudan and Southern Egypt made up […]

Africans in Greece

Africans in Greece

The Minoans may have first come into contact with Africans at Thebes, during the periodic bearing of tribute to the pharaoh. In fact, paintings in the tomb of Rekhmire, dated to the fourteenth century B.C., depict African and Aegean peoples, most likely Nubians and Minoans. However, with the collapse of the Minoan and Mycenaean palaces […]

African Gladiators Under Caesar’s Rule?

African Gladiators Under Caesar’s Rule?

Caesar, Morituri te salutant! [“Caesar, Those about to die salute you.!”] The city was becoming an important trade center. Probably in the first half of the sixth century, the Carthaginian admiral Hanno founded several colonies along the coast of what is now Morocco and proceeded to the gold river Senegal, and even reached Mount Cameroon. […]

Bust Of The Ethiopian King Memnon?

Bust Of The Ethiopian King Memnon?

Roman; Thyreatis, Greece (c. 170 C.E.) –Tom Ljevar This marvelous bust is one of the very few documents of an actual black person from Greek and Roman antiquity. Memnon was a pupil and protégé of the well-known Athenian entrepreneur and philosopher Herodes Atticus. It was found more than a century ago in one of several […]

Ethiopian King Memnon Was A Greek Mythical Character?

Ethiopian King Memnon Was A Greek Mythical Character?

To the ancient Greeks, the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa were known collectively as Ethiopians, literally ‘those with burnt faces’. Theirs was a fabled land connected to the Greek world in myth. For example, there is the Ethiopian princess Andromeda, rescued by Perseus, and Memnon, who led the Ethiopians in the Trojan War. –Black-figured amphora. Greek, […]

The Departure of Memnon for Troy, Greek

The Departure of Memnon for Troy, Greek

In Greek mythology, Memnon (Greek: Mέμνων) was an Ethiopian king and son of Tithonus and Eos. –The departure of Memnon for Troy. Greek, circa 550-525 BC. Black-figure vase. Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, Belgium. As a warrior he was considered to be almost Achilles’ equal in skill. During the Trojan War, he brought an army […]

Ancient Faces: Another Mummy Portrait From Egypt, Africa

Ancient Faces: Another Mummy Portrait From Egypt, Africa

Social status The patrons of the portraits apparently belonged to the affluent upper class of military personnel, civil servants and religious dignitaries. Not everyone could afford a mummy portrait; many mummies were found without one. Flinders Petrie states that only one or two per cent of the mummies he excavated were embellished with portraits. The rates […]

African Descendants Around The World

African Descendants Around The World

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an English idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does. Pakistan In pictures: Pakistan’s indigenous African community […]

Man & Zebra in Byzantine mosaic, Turkey

Man & Zebra in Byzantine mosaic, Turkey

’Black man and zebra in Byzantine mosaic in Urfa.’ Tesserae (mosaic stones) made of rocks from the riverbed of the Euphrates were used to depict a black man leading a zebra. – The 5/6 th century floor mosaic can be found in the “Villa of the Amazons”, a palatial house, that probably belonged to an […]

Greeks Develops Bartering System

As Greece wonders whether its debt crisis will eventually spell its exit from the euro, one town in the centre of the country, Volos, has formed an alternative local currency.

Business in Singapore

80% of Singapore citizens are in public housing. The programme is reported from Singapore by CNN’s international business correspondent and host of ‘Quest Means Business’, Richard Quest, providing insight into the new innovations finding favor not just in Singapore but overseas, and highlighting why Singapore and its economy are of importance to the rest […]

Robert Leke, MBA 2012

High Fashion Models

High Fashion Models

Greece: Clinics in Crisis

Greek hospitals are facing a severe shortage of funding that is leaving them lacking in medicines and supplies. Even crucial operations have to be postponed.The financial crisis has left the Greek health system having to deal with billions of euros in cuts. And a second round of cuts is on its way. On top of […]

Teaching Jobs in Abu Dhabi – NBC News

Teach Away’s Teachers Prepare for Teaching Jobs in Abu Dhabi – NBC News

Jobs For European Doctors in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Oman

Doctors for the Gulf Ltd is an acknowledged medical recruitment company providing permanent & full-time jobs for European doctors in United Arabic Emirates of Middle East (Dubai, Abu Dhabi), as well as in Sultanate of Oman & Qatar. Doctors for the Gulf Ltd was founded in 2010 in England by experienced & acknowledged experts in […]

Making Money – Greece With youth unemployment at 50%, the elderly losing their assets and ever-growing numbers going hungry, you don’t need to wander far on the streets of Athens to witness the impact of Greece’s debt crisis. “All the rulers are dirty” cries one man as he awaits his turn at the local food distribution centre.”What […]