This short documentary film follows the story of Ryann and JoEllen as they discover online that they are sisters from the same sperm donor, donor #150 at the California Cryobank. Questioning the gap between expectations and reality, this film touches on issues of genetic inheritance and paternity. Screened at the 2008 Student Academy Awards (Finalist), […]
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generational conflict
Germany’s current demographic change is showing up the cracks in the relationship between the generations. If the birth rate continues to fall, young people will soon be paying the older generation’s pensions. Young people are getting increasingly fed up, but politicians aren’t interested in their concerns – the grey vote is too important
Read MoreGreece: Clinics in Crisis
Greek hospitals are facing a severe shortage of funding that is leaving them lacking in medicines and supplies. Even crucial operations have to be postponed.The financial crisis has left the Greek health system having to deal with billions of euros in cuts. And a second round of cuts is on its way. On top of […]
Read MoreJobs For European Doctors in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Oman
Doctors for the Gulf Ltd is an acknowledged medical recruitment company providing permanent & full-time jobs for European doctors in United Arabic Emirates of Middle East (Dubai, Abu Dhabi), as well as in Sultanate of Oman & Qatar. Doctors for the Gulf Ltd was founded in 2010 in England by experienced & acknowledged experts in […]
Read MoreInvesting and mining planets? Since were using all of our resources on this planet, I guess this makes sense.
Read MoreSouth African Royalty: Tsidii Le Loka
Tsidii Le Loka was studying economics and music at the University of Massachusetts when she got a call to come to New York and audition for “The Lion King.” Not only did she get the part of Rafiki, but she went on to receive a Tony nomination for her work. It was a defining […]
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