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Science says, eye contact can make you fall in love

Science says, eye contact can make you fall in love

Science says, yes, there is a link between long gazes into each other’s eyes and forming a love connection. –Model Tyrie Rudolph &-makeup by Leah Darcy – photos by Krish  There are more neurons in the brain dedicated to vision than the other four senses combined – up to 80% of what our bodies take in […]

Model: Kirby Griffin

Model: Kirby Griffin

Nationality: Georgia, American Ethnicity: African American She stands at 5’9 Ft tall with green eyes. Griffin was discovered in Miami Beach while vacationing. She joined IMG Models in New York City and has appeared in a multitude of advertising campaigns throughout magazines, billboards, storefronts, websites, music videos, and television commercials around the world. After attending […]

Women Outperform Men When Identifying Emotions?

Women Outperform Men When Identifying Emotions?

Evolutionary psychologists have suggested that females, because of their role as primary caretakers, are wired to quickly and accurately decode or detect distress in preverbal infants or threatening signals from other adults to enhance their chances at survival. –Models Ebony Anderberg, Malika & Chelsea Dleah. Women are better than men at distinguishing between emotions, especially fear and disgust, […]

Seeing Color For The First Time

Seeing Color For The First Time

Color blindness affects millions of people worldwide. Most men are color blind, It affects 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women. CVD (Color Vision Deficiency) can be acquired, but most are inherited genetically. The genes that influence the colors inside the eyes, called ‘photopigments,’ are carried on the X chromosome. If these genes are […]

Science: Women with higher levels of estrogen are more attractive?

Science: Women with higher levels of estrogen are more attractive?

Researchers at the University of St Andrews have shown for the first time that women with higher levels of estrogen do indeed have more attractive faces. The team photographed 59 young women’s faces aged between 18 and 25 and analysed their sex hormone levels. Women with higher levels of estrogen were rated as more attractive, […]

Model & Actress: Ashley Marie Jones

Model & Actress: Ashley Marie Jones

Nationality: (Detroit, Michigan) American. Ethnicity: Bi-racial Currently in Los Angeles, California. Represented by VISION Los Angeles. Photographer JARRELLE LEE. Quote: This session is getting so much coverage. We are beyond grateful for the response of this shoot. More shout outs to my amazing team on this project, the energy was amazing and we have these beautiful images […]

Woman with blue eyes in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Woman with blue eyes in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

“Her beauty among such devastation was like seeing a lotus flower blossom from the mud.” I was on assignment for the Smithsonian magazine photographing the destroyed art after the earthquake in Haiti. Having previously covered the disaster, the destruction of so many thousands of paintings and sculptures was a whole new sadness I hadn’t realized […]

Model: Dalianah Arekion

Model: Dalianah Arekion

Nationality: (Santander, Cantabria, Spain) Spanish Ethnicity: European & Maurican, African. She’s 5’10 with blue/green eyes. Dalianah’s sun-kissed beauty is a genetic blessing from a Spanish Mother and a Mauritian Father. She speaks French, Spanish and English. Quote: African girl around the world. On the advice of a friend, Dalianah visited Traffic Models in Barcelona, and in […]

The World’s Most Common Eye Color Is Brown

The World’s Most Common Eye Color Is Brown

1-Eyes are thought to have first developed in animals, in a very basic form, around 550 million years ago. 2-The world’s most common eye colour is brown. 3-Your eye is the fastest muscle in your body – hence why when something happens quickly, we say ‘in the blink of an eye! 4-You see with your […]

Science: The women with super-human vision

Science: The women with super-human vision

These rare individuals, mostly women, have a genetic mutation granting them an extra, fourth cone cell. As a rough approximation based on the number of these extra cones, tetrachromats might see 100 million colors. Since women have two X chromosomes, they could potentially carry two different versions of the gene, each encoding for a cone […]

When a man’s pupils dilate

When a man’s pupils dilate

There is a strong correlation between arousal and specific eye movements like dilation and blink rate. Our eyes naturally dilate to allow more light in, but dilation also occurs in response to cognitive and emotional events. So when we’re interested or in any way emotionally stimulated — positively or negatively — in what we’re looking […]

Europeans had dark skin, blue eyes 7,000 years ago, according to science.

Europeans had dark skin, blue eyes 7,000 years ago, according to science.

According to researchers, this particular ancient man had a combination of African and European genes that led to dark skin and light eyes. Surprise! Ancient European had dark skin and blue eyes …  Sunlight changes Many scientists have believed that lighter skin gradually arose in Europeans starting around 40,000 years ago, soon after people left […]

Ancient Nubian & Egyptian Tattoos?

Ancient Nubian & Egyptian Tattoos?

Tattooing is belived to have originated in Nubia, in the 4th century B.C. (source: one of Ms. Nancy Etcoff  books) In Egypt, tattoos were seemingly only worn by women. As more evidence came to light of tattooed women who were obviously priestesses and members of the court. The concept of cultic tattoos identifying a woman with […]

Can You Trust Your Eyes?

The Race of Beauty

There’s a growing trend for people to alter their ethnic features — from double eyelid surgery, to chin implants, to skin lightening or darkening. In some cases, patients undergoing such ethnic cosmetic surgery say they are doing so to achieve a more ‘western look’. Others say it has nothing to do with trying to look […]