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“Gas Hole” Documentary

“Gas Hole” Documentary

 Anyone who buys gas should see this film.

An eye-opening documentary about the history of oil prices. There are viable and affordable alternatives to fuel! It also provides a detailed examination of our continued dependence on foreign oil and examines various potential solutions — starting with claims of buried technology that dramatically improves gas mileage, to navigating bureaucratic governmental roadblocks, to evaluating different alternative fuels that are technologically available now. Narrated by Peter Gallagher, hear from a wide range of opinions from representatives of the US Department of Energy Officials, Congressional leaders both Democrat and Republican, Alternative Fuel Producers, Alternative Fuel Consumers (including actor Joshua Jackson), Professors of Economics and Psychology and more.

Who Killed the Electric Car?

Who Killed the Electric Car?

A documentary that investigates the birth and death of the electric car, as well as the role of renewable energy and sustainable living in the future.

Elon Musk’s commercial space travel corporation

Elon Musk’s commercial space travel corporation

Elon Musk Profiled: Bloomberg Risk Takers ELON MUSK comes up with design ideas in the shower. That may be his only free time. In 2010, Tesla successfully IPO’d, and SpaceX became the first commercial company to recover a spacecraft from the Earth’s orbit. As a designer, Musk says, he tries “to imagine, from a physics standpoint, […]

Great Inventor: Nikola Tesla

Great Inventor: Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, andfuturist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before immigrating to the United States in 1884 […]

Space Race

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ NASA’s rover Curiosity successfully landed on Mars early Monday on a mission to better explore the red planet. Projects like this are considered difficult and even though the US has cut funding to NASA other countries are looking to compete in the new space race. China is spending more and more resources on space […]

Investing and mining planets? Since were using all of our resources on this planet, I guess this makes sense.

A Dutch Company Wants To Colonize Mars By 2023

Some people aren’t content with merely taking pictures on the surface of Mars–they want to plant their flag and colonize the red planet as soon as possible.

The Genius Gene

The Genius Gene

The Genius Sperm Bank was created in the late 1970s by Robert Klark Graham, an American millionaire optometrist. Officially named the Repository for Germinal Choice, its aim was to breed highly intelligent people in order to save the world from genetic decline.Graham believed he could achieve this by getting clever men to donate sperm. To be […]