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Model & Beauty Queen: Miss France Alicia Aylies

Model & Beauty Queen: Miss France Alicia Aylies

Nationality: Cayenne, French Guiana/Guyana, South America. Ethnicity: Mix Heritage This beauty won Miss France 2017 & Miss Guyane 2016. She is the first Miss French Guiana to be crowned Miss France. Ms. Aylies is also polyglot who speaks 5 languages. She stands at 5’9 1/2 Ft tall. She was born in Fort-de-France, Martinique. This beauty has brown hair […]

The Three Mulattoes of Esmeralda from Ecuador, South America?

The Three Mulattoes of Esmeralda from Ecuador, South America?

The three men depicted in the painting are identified in the painting itself as Don Francisco (de) Arobe and (according to one source) his two sons. They wear abundant gold jewelry, much of which is typical of the Indians of the region. Their clothing is obviously European, and they carry spears. Each man is given […]

The campaign for the inclusion of the Afro-Chileans in statistics

The campaign for the inclusion of the Afro-Chileans in statistics

Afro-Chileans Aren’t Done Fighting for Representation  Campaign for the INCLUSION of Afro-descendant people in Chile in response to the discriminatory act that Chile’s National Institute of Statistics did to EXCLUDE the Afro-Chilean people in the upcoming 2017 National Census. With this racist act, the Chilean state violates various international treaties with respect to human rights, […]

Are there really 149,493 to 2,000,000 Afro-Argentinians in existence today?

Are there really 149,493 to 2,000,000 Afro-Argentinians in existence today?

What about Brazil’s neighbor, Argentina? Hundreds of thousands of Africans were brought there as well – yet, the black presence in Argentina has virtually vanished from the country’s records and consciousness. Others claim something more nefarious at work. Tellingly, Sarmiento wrote in his diary in 1848: “In the United States… 4 million are black, and […]

Found in a Brazilian cave “The Luzia Woman” is 11,500 years old

Found in a Brazilian cave “The Luzia Woman” is 11,500 years old

This skull caused a stir of controversy around it. Some of the general public are passionately against the scientific and anthropologist findings till this day. The fossilized cranium has now been identified by Brazilian scientists as the oldest human remains ever recovered in the Western Hemisphere. An Ancient Skull Challenges Long-Held Theories – Anthropologists have […]

930,000 to 2,000,000 African Descendants in Peru, South America?

930,000 to 2,000,000 African Descendants in Peru, South America?

In November 2009, Peru became the first Latin American country to apologize to its citizens of African descent for a history of oppression. In urban areas Afro-Peruvians were cooks, laundresses, maids, handymen, and gardeners. In some cases, they worked in the navy, hospitals, churches and charitable institutions. In 1587, 377 people of African descent worked […]

Beauty Queen: Miss Venezuela Carolina Indriago

Beauty Queen: Miss Venezuela Carolina Indriago

Lucbel Carolina Indriago Pinto is The first Miss Venezuelan of color. She was born in Valencia, Venezuela on August 22, 1980. Indriago was the Miss Venezuela titleholder for 1998, and was the official representative of Venezuela to the Miss Universe 1999 pageant held in Chaguaramas, Trinidad & Tobago on May 26, 1999, when she classified […]

Brazilian Model & Actress: Taís Araújo

Brazilian Model & Actress: Taís Araújo

Nationality: Brazilian Birthplace: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Ethnicity: African, Austrian and Portuguese descent. Brazil’s population includes the largest number of people of African descent in the entire Western Hemisphere. Ms. Araújo became the first black actress to be a leading character of a telenovela in prime time of the largest Brazilian television network, Rede Globo. An artist rendition of her beauty below – @_jd_m […]

Brazilian Actress & Model: Débora Nascimento

Brazilian Actress & Model: Débora Nascimento

Nationality: Brazilian Place of birth: Sao Paulo, Brazil. She is 5’10 ft tall. Television Actress, Model and Personality. Débora Nascimento began her acting career as the lead character of the short film Cérbero, directed by Gastão Coimbra, and  making a guest role on a television show called Paraíso Tropical novel/soap, as Elisa. Q&A with Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. […]

Estimated 1,600 BC Forgotten or Unknown Controversial Olmecs

Estimated 1,600 BC Forgotten or Unknown Controversial Olmecs

Curious looking  El Negro, Monument F from the Olmec ruins of Tres Zapotes, Museo Tuxteco, Santiago Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico. The famous volcanic rock sculpture “El Negro”, supposedly an ancient sacrificial monument, is reputed to channel powers and attracts international channelers including actress Shirley McLaine. I remember watching an old documentary on the Olmecs as a […]

British, Dutch & French West Indies

British, Dutch & French West Indies

The British West Indies were the islands and mainland colonies in and around the Caribbean that were part of the British Empire.   The Netherlands Antilles, also referred to informally as the Dutch Antilles, was an autonomous Caribbean country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The term French West Indies or French Antilles refers to […]

Book:Integration in America

Book:Integration in America

 By Tanner Colby Author of biographies of John Belushi and Chris Farley. His book Some of My Best Friends are Black is a historical investigation sparked by Colby’s personal revelations and strengthened with interviews and anecdotes from everyday people, creating a multi-faceted picture of race as it is lived in America. The book covers the clash over […]

Tuskegee Airmen

In spite of adversity and limited opportunities, African Americans have played a significant role in U.S. military history over the past 300 years. They were denied military leadership roles and skilled training because many believed they lacked qualifications for combat duty. Before 1940, African Americans were barred from flying for the US military. Civil rights […]

Guinness Book Of World Records.15-Year Old Female Pilot Flies Cross Country.


reinvention-From homelessness to an executive suite.

11 year old Entrepreneur

National Chess Master

CEO 6th Grader

Homeless and Parent-less Student Graduates

Self Made Millionaire

Afro American Farrah Gray made his first million when he was just 14. Now, he runs a successful portfolio of multiple profitable businesses, and is also a motivational and business public speaker. The lessons to learn from him is never give up, follow your dreams and to not let anything stop you from living up […]

1921-Black Wall Street – Unknown History

Greenwood is a neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As one of the most successful and wealthiest African American communities in the United States during the early 20th Century, it was popularly known as America’s “Black Wall Street”.


As South Africa adopts affirmative action policies, we profile some of the blacks who have overcome racial inequality. Half of South Africa’s 30 million blacks live below the poverty line. Despite this depressing statistic, a few break the trend. Black millionaires! Having acquired his wealth during apartheid, businessman Richard Maponya is the richest black in the country. Emerging from his opulent villa he reflects on the turbulent times and his success in gatecrashing the horse racing set. Sam Tsima, winner of a 1988 study scholarship, is now the manager of the biggest bank in South Africa. Fighting for black rights, he teaches German twice a week to youngsters from Soweto. Many feel betrayed when rich blacks enjoy the spoils and move to wealthy suburbs. Yvonne Chaka-Chaka, singer and businesswoman, justifies her extravagant lifestyle as the result of dedication and hard work. Clapping and swaying to the music at a dinner-dance, she serenades the most successful of all black South Africans – Nelson Mandela.

The Barbie Doll Test

The Barbie Doll Test

This video program, produced by Modesto Junior College video producer Wes Page, documents an experiment by Professor Sam Pierstorff and his English 101 class. Small children are asked questions about Barbie dolls of different ethnicity. Shade This short TV documentary is an introduction to the issue of shadeism, the discrimination that exists between the lighter-skinned […]

Sheron Menezes – Brazilian Actress

Sheron Menezes – Brazilian Actress

Nationality: Brazilian Place of birth: Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil   The actress starred in the TV Globo soap opera Esperança in April 2002 with the approval of the director Luiz Fernando Carvalho who was impressed with his test and suggested to the author, Benedito Ruy Barbosa, the changing age of the character, Julia, oldest first, so it could […]

Elisani Silva

Elisani Silva

Nationality and Ethnicity: Indigenous/Brazilian Brazilian born Elisane Silva is one of the world’s tallest teenagers at 6’9″ She’s around the age of 17 years.    Her height hasn’t come without problems–she had to leave school and her parents don’t have enough money to determine the cause of or treat her inordinate growth.    But Elisany […]