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Water – The Great Mystery Documentary

Water – The Great Mystery Documentary

Water – The Great Mystery Documentary

(Full Version) 

Water - The Great MysteryFascinating movie spans the globe to reveal recent discoveries about water, the most amazing yet least studied substance in the world. Witness as researchers, scientists, philosophers and theologians try to understand this unique liquid and all its miraculous properties still waiting to be discovered.

It was there that Heisenberg and Bohr came to Einstein to tell him it looked like the minds of the researchers were affecting the results of the experiments. Mind was inexorably linked to matter. Einstein later said, “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.”

In this amazing film, Water, the Great Mystery, we can see that science has made a quantum leap into understanding how mind can be recorded by the most simple element in nature (water) and on the periodic table: H20. If water has memory, and its main component being hydrogen, then the whole universe would have memory. Hydrogen was born between 100 and 1,000 seconds after the big bang. It makes up 75% of the known mass of the universe and now is part of the missing mass equation.

Model interview: Ubah Hassan

Model interview: Ubah Hassan

Model: Israela Avtau

Model: Israela Avtau

Nationality and Place of birth: Israel Ethnicity: Ethiopian, African She won the Iaraeli Top Model competition at 16 years old. Article about Miss Avtau below: She left Israel to seek a modelling career in New York. Israela signed a multi-million dollar deal with Avon Cosmetics in the US.   She is the highest paid model after Bar […]

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Science wants to know What Makes You attractive?

Science wants to know What Makes You attractive?

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Incredible Human Journey Out Of Africa

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Brazilian Actress & Model: Débora Nascimento

Brazilian Actress & Model: Débora Nascimento

Nationality: Brazilian Place of birth: Sao Paulo, Brazil. She is 5’10 ft tall. Television Actress, Model and Personality. Débora Nascimento began her acting career as the lead character of the short film Cérbero, directed by Gastão Coimbra, and  making a guest role on a television show called Paraíso Tropical novel/soap, as Elisa. Q&A with Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. […]

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African Russian Perspective

Afro-Russians Trailer

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Sara Nuru German Top Model

Sara Nuru German Top Model

Nationality: German Place of birth: Erding, Germany Ethnicity: Ethiopian She was the winner of the fourth cycle of Germany’s Next Top Model   The family lived in Erding until 1999 before they moved to Munich. Nuru is fluent in German, English and Arabic. She also speaks a little bit of Amharic.    Sara Nuru was born as the […]