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Science: DNA Of Your Ancestors

Science: DNA Of Your Ancestors

The quest to understand who we are and where we come from has long depended on family lore. But when few relatives or traces of history are available, the search can leave the seekers feeling lost. Now, consumer genetics companies are stepping in where families can not. Popularized by US and British television shows featuring […]

E-V13 DNA originated in Northeastern Africa around 18,000 years ago entered Europe at some time via the Balkans?

E-V13 DNA originated in Northeastern Africa around 18,000 years ago entered Europe at some time via the Balkans?

Why the men of Abergele carry the rare marker is not yet known, but its high frequency could be due to the settlement of the town during the 1st to 4th centuries AD by Roman soldiers. –The Last Legion Movie Still- 2007 A more likely Roman genetic legacy in the British Isles lies in the […]

Bone Fragment of a 10,000 year old Middle Eastern DNA

Bone Fragment of a 10,000 year old Middle Eastern DNA

Scientists from Europe, the United States and Iran who examined the DNA of 9,000 to 10,000-year-old bone fragments discovered in a cave near Eslamabad, 600 kilometers (370 miles) southwest of the Iranian capital of Tehran, found they belonged to a man with black hair, brown eyes and dark skin? Click map to view larger image […]

Amazing Art From Ancient Egyptian To Futuristic

Amazing Art From Ancient Egyptian To Futuristic

Maybe for the next Movie, Television shows, Comic books, Video Games, Costumes, Photo-shoots, Commercials & Webinars of Egyptian, African, Ancient History (fictional or real) Art? I’m speechless by the talent that is out there. These are spectacular art works from incredible talented artist. There is no limit to their creativity. All the super talented artists with fantastic visuals […]

Prince William Has Indian Ancestry?

Prince William Has Indian Ancestry?

DNA testing has revealed that Prince William will become the first British monarch of Indian ancestry. A clear genetic line has been drawn between the Duke of Cambridge and a half-Indian woman, potentially marking him as the first King whose bloodline is descended from the country. Analysis of saliva samples on relatives of Prince William […]

Ancient DNA

Ancient DNA Ancient DNA Reveals That Some Neanderthals Were Redheads Science writer Carl Zimmer speaks at Yale Medical School about how new discoveries about Neanderthals are helping us better understand what it means to be human. For more information, see