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Tag: African queens
Nigerian Royal Queens and Princesses
Queen Arawelo / Araweelo
Did this African Queen exist in ancient times or is this a legend? Once upon a time, in Somalia, there was a kingdom ruled by a strong and beautiful queen. The Queen’s name was Ebla Awad, but everybody knew her as “Queen Arraweelo.” The Queen came to power around AD 15 after a long war between Somali clans. […]
Head of a Statue of a Queen
Some people think it’s Nefertiti or one of her daughters Meritaton or Anchesenpaaton? Although the eye liner and lipstick are faint in color, I still love ancient make-up. Simply beautiful. Head of a statue of Queen Merit-Aton? Dynasty 18. C.1340-1335 B.C. Quartzit. From Amarna. Gift of James Simon, 1920. Egyptian Museum in the Altes Museum. Berlin, Germany. […]
The Deffufa Temples in Kerma, Nubia, Sudan at least 9,500 years old?
Ancient Architecture and urban planning by the Africans. One of its most endearing structure was the Deffufa, a mud brick temple which ceremonies were performed on top. It is 18 meters tall and comprises three stories. The deffufa is a unique structure in Nubian Architecture. Three known deffufa exist. The Western Deffufa at Kerma, an Eastern […]
QUEEN: Maharani Bamba Duleep Singh aka Bamba Müller
Her Father Ludwig Muller was a German banker and her mother Sofia was Abyssinian, Ethiopian, African. She was born on July 6, 1848 in Cairo, Egypt. The Maharaja Duleep Singh fell for her charm & beauty, within 5 months they married at Alexandria in Egypt, on 7 June 1864. Both of them wore European dress apart from Duleep, who […]
Queen Qalhata’s tomb in Sudan
Receiving the ‘breath of life’, Queen Qalhata’s tomb, at El Kurru in Sudan. This tomb is rarely visited and the frescoes on the wall are in much better condition than inside the Kings tomb next door. In the Queen’s chamber we see her being given the breath of life by the god – she lies […]
Queen Hetepheres Throne
Queen Hetepheres I was a Queen of Egypt during the 4th dynasty. Few wooden artifacts from ancient civilizations survive due to the material’s vulnerability to decay. However, Harvard University’s Giza Project team was able to bring Egyptian wood craftsmanship to life with an ambitious undertaking: reconstructing an elaborate chair that once belonged to Queen Hetepheres. […]
Empress Taytu Betul
She was a (c.1851–1918) formidable Queen and Empress of Ethiopia. An astute diplomat determined to resist imperialist designs on her country, she increasingly opposed any negotiations that would result in the loss of Ethiopian territory. When diplomacy gave way to war, she rode out at the head of her own army, at her husband’s side. -Portrait […]
Empress ‘Adélina Lévêque Soulouque’ of Haiti
Adélina Soulouque (b. c. 1795-after 1859), née Lévêque, was Empress Consort of Haiti from 1849 until 1859, as wife of Faustin I of Haiti. Adélina was the daughter of Marie Michel Lévêque, a Haitian of mixed-race heritage. She had a long-term relationship with Faustin Souloque for many years. It was only in December 1849 that […]
Empress Zewditu of Ethiopia, Africa
Zewditu (also spelled Zawditu or Zauditu) was an Empress of Ethiopia from 1916 to 1930. The first female head of an internationally recognized state in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the first Empress regnant of the Ethiopian Empire perhaps since the legendary Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, her reign was noted for the […]
Princess Emma Bakayishonga of Rwanda & the $2.4 million Watussi Woman artwork
Watussi Woman is a sublime portrait of a noblewoman in the court of HM Mwami Rudahigwa III, monarch of the Watussi in the territory of Ruanda-Urundi, then part of the Belgian Congo. In an extraordinarily fortuitous development, the identity of the sitter has been confirmed as Emma Bakayishonga in Rwanda in 1942. Famous for her […]
The Beauty Of Sobek
Head of Queen Neferusobek Berlin Egyptian Museum Sobekneferu (sometimes written “Neferusobek“) was an Egyptian woman reigning as pharaoh after the death of her brother Amenemhat IV. She was the last ruler of the 12th Dynasty and governed Egypt for almost 4 years from 1806 to 1802 BC. Her name means “the beauty of Sobek.” Sobekneferu had an older […]
Egyptian Eyeliner
Egyptian mummy mask of a Queen from the 19th dynasty During the reign of Ramesses II Ca. 1200 BCE (This is made out of Wood). These ancient artisans were very talented. This carved image of her almost looks like she’s coming to life.-Sola Egyptian Eyeliner May Have Warded Off Disease | Science Eyeliner was first […]
Queen Ankhesenpepi/Ankhesen-Pepy’s Pyramid
The discovered pyramid belonged to Queen Ankhesen-Pepy, the wife of King Pepy I. This particular queen was also the wife of a second King and the mother of a third. She acquired power when her six-year-old son, Pepy II, came to the thrown, and when she took the regency, she was the first woman in […]
In 2008 Queen Sesheshet’s Pyramid was found
The pyramid was found south of Cairo. It was buried in the desert near the famous Step Pyramid. It is thought to house the remains of Queen Sesheshet who was the mother of King Teti from the Sixth Dynasty. The headless, five-metre high pyramid originally reached about 14 metres, with sides of 22 metres. […]
Megalithic Stones of Tiya, Ethiopia, Africa
In April 1935, one of the Tiya stones, engraved with a sword symbol, was discovered during a German expedition. Tiya is among the most important of the roughly 160 archaeological sites discovered so far in the Soddo region, south of Addis Ababa. The site contains 36 monuments, including 32 carved stelae covered with symbols, most […]
Our Love For Gold
Since the time of King Mansa Musa and before that, there were ancient African gold mines as far down the Continent as South Africa. Hello every one, I tried to share some of the best Royal African Kings and Queens photos with their amazing Gold jewelry. I love accessories; so sharing things like this with […]
Warrior Queens of Nubia/Kush/Meroe
Amanirenas (also spelled Amanirena) was a queen of the Meroitic Kingdom of Kush. The Romans themselves were intrigued by Aminarenas, whom one source described as “a masculine sort of woman, blind in one eye.” Too Much like the Amazons of myth, she was a warrior queen who commanded her own soldiers in battle, something which […]
7 Emperor’s Castles In Gondar, Ethiopia, Africa
I bet you didn’t know we have castles in Africa too! Unfortunately this wasn’t considered important enough to put in our standard beginners history books, but guess what !? Better late then never right? 🙂 Don’t believe me? You can find it on Google Earth! Click on the World Heritage site below. Gondar or Gonder […]