Most of what we know about the ancient Thracians comes from surviving ancient Greek and Roman sources. The Thracians were an ancient ethnic group that inhabited parts of what is today European Turkey and the extreme north of Greece, but the vast majority of Thracian land is in what is today Bulgaria. Although Thrace as an […]
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Tag: Turkey
African Descendants Around The World
“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an English idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does. Pakistan In pictures: Pakistan’s indigenous African community […]
Man & Zebra in Byzantine mosaic, Turkey
’Black man and zebra in Byzantine mosaic in Urfa.’ Tesserae (mosaic stones) made of rocks from the riverbed of the Euphrates were used to depict a black man leading a zebra. – The 5/6 th century floor mosaic can be found in the “Villa of the Amazons”, a palatial house, that probably belonged to an […]
Naomi Campbell’s Egyptian Eye of Horus on Cleopatra Island in Turkey’s Gulf of Gökova.
Nationality: British Ethnicity: Campbell is of African-Jamaican descent, as well as of Chinese Jamaican ancestry through her paternal grandmother, who carried the family name Ming. In 2012 Naomi Campbell received an island vacation home for her 41st birthday from her Russian billionaire boyfriend Vladislav Doronin. It’s shaped like the Egyptian Eye of Horus on a location known as Cleopatra […]
Research Reveals Cleopatra’s mother was African
Cleopatra, the last Egyptian Pharaoh, renowned for her beauty, was part African. Was Cleopatra Bi-racial? Queen Cleopatra was a descendant of Ptolemy, the Macedonian general who ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great. But remains of the queen’s sister Princess Arsinoe, found in Ephesus, Turkey, indicate that her mother had an “African” skeleton. Experts have described […]
Ancient Egyptian Beauty Secrets and Tips.
An Introduction Exfoliants, depilatories, anti-wrinkle cream. Methods for the elimination of stretch-marks, halitosis and unpleasant body odors. Hair extensions. This all sounds pretty modern, doesn’t it? It could perhaps be a list of advertisers from a fashion magazine on the newsstand on the street today. Yet all of the above were also concerns and creations of […]
Vintage Iman and Queen Nefertiti bust
Ever since the official unveiling of the bust in Berlin in 1924, the Egyptian authorities have been demanding its return to Egypt. In 1925, Egypt threatened to ban German excavations in Egypt unless Nefertiti was returned. In 1929, Egypt offered to exchange other artifacts for Nefertiti, but Germany declined. In the 1950s, Egypt again tried to […]