Some Nubians self-identify as Africans, Afro-Arabs, Nubian-Egyptians, or simply Nubians Nubians are descendants of the ancient African civilization of Kush, which was situated between what is now southern Egypt and northern Sudan, known for its famed “Black Pharaohs” and pyramids. Nubians in Egypt today are still influenced by the changes of the initial Arab invasions, […]
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Tag: sun
Why do Africans & African descendants pour liquor onto the floor in honor of the dead?
Cultural Similarities: Libation was part of ancient Egyptian society where it was a drink offering to honor and please the various divinities, sacred ancestors, humans present and not present, as well as the environment. It is suggested that libation originated somewhere in the upper Nile Valley and spread out to other regions of Africa and […]
Theorizing Ancient Solar Flare or Sola Rays that possibly scorched our Skin & Hair?
I’m just theorizing if it was a gradual process or unexpected and extreme that lead us looking the way we do today.- Sola The Sun’s Wrath: Worst Solar Storms in History A similar event could wreak significant havoc today. That’s because our modern technology, including satellites, radio transmissions and power grids, could be seriously hampered […]
Descendants of the Sun
What Countries Does the Equator Run Through in Africa? In Africa, the equator runs along for almost 2500 miles, passing through 6 countries, and ironically the list does not include Equatorial Guinea. The six countries in Africa the equator does run through include: Gabon, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Somalia. […]
Alternative visual concept for “GODS Of EGYPT” movie
Please keep in mind that Egypt was invaded numerous times in the past. –“The Sorceress”, illustrated by Chris Dacus They could cast actors that looks similar to the people in the Maghreb Region & as far down the Nile River which is an international river that flows through 11 countries that include Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, […]
The World’s Most Common Eye Color Is Brown
1-Eyes are thought to have first developed in animals, in a very basic form, around 550 million years ago. 2-The world’s most common eye colour is brown. 3-Your eye is the fastest muscle in your body – hence why when something happens quickly, we say ‘in the blink of an eye! 4-You see with your […]
Take your Vitamin D Supplement?
Women lose bone mass more rapidly than men? – spice4life Who’s most at risk for deficiency? People who have limited sun exposure or people who have dark skin in areas with weaker sunlight are also at risk since their skin exposure may not be adequate to make enough vitamin D. Breastfed infants are most at risk for […]
3,000 Year Old Egyptian Woman with 70 HAIR EXTENSIONS Intact
The only way is EGYPT! 3,000-year-old remains of woman unearthed with 70 hair extensions tied in intricate layers. The pieces were elaborate creations, with one recently uncovered in an Egyptian coffin made up of 70 elaborate extensions fastened together. Out of 100 skulls analysed, 28 still had hair. The type of hair ranged from curly black […]
Random Akasha Inspired Tattoos, Paintings & Drawings
Akasha was played by Aaliyah Dana Haughton , she was an American singer, dancer, actress, and model. The a fictitious character was written by Famous author Anne Rice. Queen Akasha was the first vampire in existence that came from Egypt. She was known among vampires as the “Queen of the Damned”. The Queen of the Damned (1988) is […]
Europeans had dark skin, blue eyes 7,000 years ago, according to science.
According to researchers, this particular ancient man had a combination of African and European genes that led to dark skin and light eyes. Surprise! Ancient European had dark skin and blue eyes … Sunlight changes Many scientists have believed that lighter skin gradually arose in Europeans starting around 40,000 years ago, soon after people left […]
Taking a picture of a tourist
A young woman asked me to take to her picture, so I did. She was delightfully sweet and so happy to be there. I was so excited to be there. The Boat ride was amazing! This was very Stimulating visually. Since we left so early it was a little cold.