Tabiry was the daughter of Alara of Nubia and his wife Kasaqa and the wife of King Piye. She held some interesting titles: Main King’s Wife, first of her majesty (hmt niswt ‘at tpit n hm.f) (the only other queen to hold the Main King’s Wife title was Nefertiti) and “The Great One of the Foreign Country” (ta-aat-khesut). She […]
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Tag: pyramid
5,000 Year Old Egyptian Hieroglyphs & Pyramids Found In Australia?
Thanks for sharing! Egyptians in Australia-Part 1, looks at the sensational and hotly debated set of close to 300 hieroglyphs found at Kariong near Gosford). There are numerous carved glyphs on sandstone walls. Ancient Lost Worlds and Hidden History. On location videos made by author and adventurer Brien Foerster exploring Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Hawaii, Easter […]
Alternative visual concept for “GODS Of EGYPT” movie
Please keep in mind that Egypt was invaded numerous times in the past. –“The Sorceress”, illustrated by Chris Dacus They could cast actors that looks similar to the people in the Maghreb Region & as far down the Nile River which is an international river that flows through 11 countries that include Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, […]
The Beauty Of Sobek
Head of Queen Neferusobek Berlin Egyptian Museum Sobekneferu (sometimes written “Neferusobek“) was an Egyptian woman reigning as pharaoh after the death of her brother Amenemhat IV. She was the last ruler of the 12th Dynasty and governed Egypt for almost 4 years from 1806 to 1802 BC. Her name means “the beauty of Sobek.” Sobekneferu had an older […]
Nuer/Ngundeng Pyramid Mound in South Sudan, Africa
A photo taken in 1901 by Dr Edward Smyth Crispin, showing the earthen mound associated with the Nuer Prophet Ngundeng. Seligman describes it in his list as a grave pyramid, possibly since he was informed that Ngundeng was buried within his hut at the base of the mound. From the appearance of the earth on […]
Infrared NASA Satellite Imagery Uncovers 17 Pyramids
By analyzing high-resolution satellite imagery covering all of Egypt, researchers have reportedly discovered up to 17 lost pyramids, nearly 3000 ancient settlements, and 1000 tombs. When Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt in 1798, he brought more than 150 scientists and scholars along with his massive army. source: mashable The scholars fanned out across Egypt, describing the country’s […]
2 Pyramids & Sphinx Found in Zinder, Niger, Africa
February 29, 2012, the Nigerian researcher in Egyptology, Souley Garba announced the discovery he made which was a pyramid in the village of Dan Baki, 20 km from the city of Zinder. As explained by the researcher, there is even a sphinx in front of the pyramid (the sphinx is a species of large statue of lion […]
Queen Ankhesenpepi/Ankhesen-Pepy’s Pyramid
The discovered pyramid belonged to Queen Ankhesen-Pepy, the wife of King Pepy I. This particular queen was also the wife of a second King and the mother of a third. She acquired power when her six-year-old son, Pepy II, came to the thrown, and when she took the regency, she was the first woman in […]
ancient Egypt and our origins The Pyramid Code is a documentary that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge and sophisticated technology in a Golden Age. It’s based on the extensive research done in 25 trips to Egypt and 51 […]