Is of Spanish and Lebanese descent, and fluent in Arabic, Spanish, Portugese and English. Studied international relations & drama at college in Mexico City. Father was born in Lebanon and came to Mexico to start a small business where he met her mother. Her Lebanese-Mexican father was a rich businessman and her mother was an […]
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Tag: Mexico
African Descendants Around The World
“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an English idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does. Pakistan In pictures: Pakistan’s indigenous African community […]
Estimated 1,400,000 to 1,984,000 Afro-Mexicans
The black people ‘erased from history’ – BBC News More than a million people in Mexico are descended from African slaves and identify as “black”, “dark” or “Afro-Mexican” even if they don’t look black. In Mexico’s remote Costa Chica area near the Pacific ocean feel ignored and neglected by the state. A lot of Mexicans […]
Estimated 1,600 BC Forgotten or Unknown Controversial Olmecs
Curious looking El Negro, Monument F from the Olmec ruins of Tres Zapotes, Museo Tuxteco, Santiago Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico. The famous volcanic rock sculpture “El Negro”, supposedly an ancient sacrificial monument, is reputed to channel powers and attracts international channelers including actress Shirley McLaine. I remember watching an old documentary on the Olmecs as a […]
Worlds Youngest Psychologist: Andrew Almazan Anaya
Mexico City, Mexico — Mexican teenager Andrew Almazan Anaya, 16, considered a child prodigy for his intellectual precocity, will graduate this month as a psychologist – setting the world record for the Youngest psychologist – and will go on to finish his last few semesters of medical studies.
The Race of Beauty
There’s a growing trend for people to alter their ethnic features — from double eyelid surgery, to chin implants, to skin lightening or darkening. In some cases, patients undergoing such ethnic cosmetic surgery say they are doing so to achieve a more ‘western look’. Others say it has nothing to do with trying to look […]
Professor Gates: History and DNA
Haiti and The Dominican Republic- The Roots of Division In the Dominican Republic, Professor Gates explores how race has been socially constructed in a society whose people reflect centuries of inter-marriage, and how the country’s troubled history with Haiti informs notions about racial classification. In Haiti, Professor Gates tells the story of the birth […]
The Richest Person In The World
Carlos Slim Helu doesn’t believe in handouts. He’s got another approach to improving people’s lives. The 2012 Forbes Billionaires list: