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Tag: Space
Star Wars – George Lucas interview by Oprah
Star Wars – George Lucas interview by Oprah
Oprah’s conversation with filmmaker George Lucas.
Space elevator to the moon for tourist
Space elevator to the moon for tourist
If you have already visited the entire globe, then this maybe your next step.
Break Away Civilization – Interesting theory & interview by Richard Dolan
Break Away Civilization – Interesting theory & interview by Richard Dolan
If this were true, then I envy our space explorers 😉 BTW I love this Photo one of my top Favorites.
Elon Musk’s commercial space travel corporation
Elon Musk Profiled: Bloomberg Risk Takers ELON MUSK comes up with design ideas in the shower. That may be his only free time. In 2010, Tesla successfully IPO’d, and SpaceX became the first commercial company to recover a spacecraft from the Earth’s orbit. As a designer, Musk says, he tries “to imagine, from a physics standpoint, […]
Former NASA Astronaut & The Current Chief Administrator of NASA: Charlie F. Bolden
Before becoming the head of NASA, Bolden was an astronaut who flew into space four times. He commanded two space shuttle missions. Bolden has worked both for the government and for private companies. He is a retired United States Marine Corps Major General. He is also the first African-American to be appointed NASA administrator. NASA’s Bolden: Mars […]
The Oldest Zodiac Sign From Dendera & The Star Sirius
Most believe this to be of the New Kingdom. The relief, which John H. Rogers characterized as “the only complete map that we have of an ancient sky. A detail of the Dendera Zodiac displayed at the Louvre, Paris. Guy asks: I wonder if someone knowledgeable could comment about the seeming lack of precession by […]
Astronaut Neil Armstrong dead at 82
Corporations replace states in space
Exploration of space is in full swing. But after NASA retired its space shuttle program last year, the terms “space race” got a whole new meaning: once symbolic of a country’s political power and might, the space race seems to be turning into some commercial endeavor. A dozen companies are now bidding to develop space […]
Space Race
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ NASA’s rover Curiosity successfully landed on Mars early Monday on a mission to better explore the red planet. Projects like this are considered difficult and even though the US has cut funding to NASA other countries are looking to compete in the new space race. China is spending more and more resources on space […]
Engineering An High-Tech Astronaut Suit For Space Tourism Great Article! The huspa that these men displayed in moving forward with this project is commendable.
$3 Million award given to 9 Physicists
Worlds Before Our Own by Brad Steiger’s
A nice break and a good read from the everyday routine. Worlds Before Our Own: Brad Steiger: 9781933665191 … historical controversies. Twenty-two years before Technology of the Gods… Seventeen years before Fingerprints of the Gods… Fifteen years before Forbidden Archaeology… …there was Worlds Before Our Own, Brad Steiger’s groundbreaking argument for the existence of a global […]
The Last Book I Read was “PSYCHIC WARRIOR” This International Best Seller has been printed in 14 languages globally.
This is a nice break from the norm. Inside the CIA’s Stargate Program: The True Story of a Soldier’s Espionage and Awakening. (St. Martin’s Press) by David A. Morehouse Ph.D.