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Alternative 3 – One of my favorite Sci-Fi Movies shot as a documentary

Alternative 3 – One of my favorite Sci-Fi Movies shot as a documentary

Alternative 3 – One of my favorite Sci-Fi Movies shot as a documentary

World ecological collapse; the next ice-age has already begun! Lucky for us, governments know what to do. Unfortunately it’s a conspiracy to end all conspiracies. Vanishing scientists, dubious space missions, and a freak accident which kills the courier of a tape containing a secret radio message from an unmanned Mars probe – holds the key. Ruthless investigative reporters uncover the ominous master plan.

Elon Musk’s commercial space travel corporation

Elon Musk’s commercial space travel corporation

Elon Musk Profiled: Bloomberg Risk Takers ELON MUSK comes up with design ideas in the shower. That may be his only free time. In 2010, Tesla successfully IPO’d, and SpaceX became the first commercial company to recover a spacecraft from the Earth’s orbit. As a designer, Musk says, he tries “to imagine, from a physics standpoint, […]

Investing and mining planets? Since were using all of our resources on this planet, I guess this makes sense.

A Dutch Company Wants To Colonize Mars By 2023

Some people aren’t content with merely taking pictures on the surface of Mars–they want to plant their flag and colonize the red planet as soon as possible.

Engineering An High-Tech Astronaut Suit For Space Tourism   Great Article! The huspa that these men displayed in moving forward with this project is commendable.