A controversial subject indeed. Cleopatra, the last Egyptian Pharaoh, renowned for her beauty, was part African? According to two reports her father was Greek and her mother was African. Remains of the queen’s sister Princess Arsinoe, found in Ephesus, Turkey, indicate that her mother had an “African” skeleton. Princess Arsinoe had an African mother is a […]
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Tag: female pharaoh
Queen Dowager Rosalie Gicanda
Queen Gicanda was the wife of Rwandan Mwami (King in the Kinyarwanda language) Mutara III of Rwanda. After her husband died in mysterious circumstances in 1959, the Rwandan monarchy lasted only two more years, under the leadership of Mwami Kigeli V of Rwanda and then coming to an end in 1961. This Queen looks similar to Princess Emma Bakayishonga. […]
Princess Emma Bakayishonga of Rwanda & the $2.4 million Watussi Woman artwork
Watussi Woman is a sublime portrait of a noblewoman in the court of HM Mwami Rudahigwa III, monarch of the Watussi in the territory of Ruanda-Urundi, then part of the Belgian Congo. In an extraordinarily fortuitous development, the identity of the sitter has been confirmed as Emma Bakayishonga in Rwanda in 1942. Famous for her […]
The Beauty Of Sobek
Head of Queen Neferusobek Berlin Egyptian Museum Sobekneferu (sometimes written “Neferusobek“) was an Egyptian woman reigning as pharaoh after the death of her brother Amenemhat IV. She was the last ruler of the 12th Dynasty and governed Egypt for almost 4 years from 1806 to 1802 BC. Her name means “the beauty of Sobek.” Sobekneferu had an older […]
Ancient Beauty Secrets Of Biblical Or Mythical Proportions?
King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, Cleopatra and King Herod all bathed in the Dead Sea and enjoyed its healing properties. Dead Sea Salt and Dead Sea Mud have been recognized by millions of people as a single source of health and beauty since the days of Herod the Great, more than 2,000 years ago. […]
Controversy behind Gods of Egypt movie 2016
This time period is supposed to be in the old kingdom/5th dynasty (2494 B.C. – 2345 B.C.). ‘Gods of Egypt’ Director, Studio Apologize for Lack of Diverse Casting: ‘We Can Do Better’ Lionsgate also acknowledged the need for more inclusive casting in a statement obtained by Variety, which reads: “We recognize that it is our responsibility […]
Ancient Nubian & Egyptian Tattoos?
Tattooing is belived to have originated in Nubia, in the 4th century B.C. (source: one of Ms. Nancy Etcoff books) In Egypt, tattoos were seemingly only worn by women. As more evidence came to light of tattooed women who were obviously priestesses and members of the court. The concept of cultic tattoos identifying a woman with […]
Hatshepsut was a female pharaoh during the New Kingdom in Egypt
Twenty years after her death, somebody smashed her statues, took a chisel and attempted to erase the pharaoh’s name and image from history. But who did it? And why? Kate Narev investigates Hatshepsut’s history for clues to this ancient puzzle. A daughter of King Thutmose I, Hatshepsut became queen of Egypt when she married her […]