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A Woman’s Intuition Is Real?

A Woman’s Intuition Is Real?

Research published by the Royal Society indicates that a woman can accurately establish a man’s masculinity and his affinity for children simply by looking at a picture of his face. Women also made judgments about long-term and short-term relationships by looking at a man’s face. –Brazilian Model Larissa Diniz, UK Photographer Michael Sheller Women and men […]

Model: Nazanin Jafarian Ghaissarifa Married Son Of A Nigerian Billionaire

Model: Nazanin Jafarian Ghaissarifa Married Son Of A Nigerian Billionaire

Folarin Alakija, the son of Nigerian oil billionaire Folorunso Alakija married Iranian model Nazanin Jafarian Ghaissarifar during what was an extremely opulent ceremony — one that had the price tag of about $6.3 million. The groom’s mother, Folorunso Alakija, serves as the vice chair of Famfa Oil, a Nigerian oil company, and is considered one […]

Science Explains The Effects Money Has On Your Brain & Emotions

Science Explains The Effects Money Has On Your Brain & Emotions

“Once we started using money, we found very reliable activation in these emotional circuits. This suggests that it’s not just sex, it’s not just drugs, it’s not just food that activates these circuits, money also activates these circuits and it does so very powerfully.” Could the fact that an ancient part of our brain gets […]

Africa’s Richest Woman Is Worth $3.2 Billion?

Africa’s Richest Woman Is Worth $3.2 Billion?

Nationality: Angolan Ethnicity: African father & Russian mother. Isabel dos Santos is an Angolan investor considered by Forbes to be the richest woman not only in Angola, but the whole of Africa. In 2013, according to research by Forbes, her net worth had reached more than three billion US dollars, making her Africa’s first billionaire woman. She is […]

Science Explains How Poverty Changes Your Brain?

Science Explains How Poverty Changes Your Brain?

Poverty-related concerns consume mental resources Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function. The poor often behave in less capable ways, which can further perpetuate poverty. We hypothesize that poverty directly impedes cognitive function and present two studies that test this hypothesis.” Burden of Poverty Lacking money or time can lead one to make poorer decisions, possibly because poverty imposes […]

Updated Map Of Africa’s Natural Resources

Updated Map Of Africa’s Natural Resources

Africa remains a key territory on the global map. Rich in oil and natural resources, the continent holds a strategic position. “There is yet an enormous amount of wealth left to discover,” he said. It is the world’s fastest-growing region for foreign direct investment, and it has approximately 30 percent of the earth’s remaining mineral […]

$100 Gold Coin Portrays Liberty as an African-American Woman?

$100 Gold Coin Portrays Liberty as an African-American Woman?

The anniversary coin will be struck in .9999 fine 24-karat gold. A series with the same design will be struck in .999 silver, as well. African American woman featured on U.S. coin for first time: The U.S. Mint will be celebrating its 225th anniversary by minting a new coin that will feature Lady Liberty depicted […]

Nubian’s right to return to their ancestral homeland?

Nubian’s right to return to their ancestral homeland?

Some Nubians self-identify as Africans, Afro-Arabs, Nubian-Egyptians, or simply Nubians Nubians are descendants of the ancient African civilization of Kush, which was situated between what is now southern Egypt and northern Sudan, known for its famed “Black Pharaohs” and pyramids. Nubians in Egypt today are still influenced by the changes of the initial Arab invasions, […]

African nations will interconnect power grids by 2020

African nations will interconnect power grids by 2020

“Connections between Kenya and Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, Egypt and Sudan are at advanced stages of being commissioned,” he stated. –okmalume.africaafrica-to-interconnect-power-grids The continent currently generates approximately 120,000 MW of power with the South Africa and Egypt as the biggest producers. He added that the Democratic Republic of Congo’s(DRC) Inga Hydro electric […]

Largest African Populations Estimated Over A Billion?

Largest African Populations Estimated Over A Billion?

“The biggest change of our time?” he tweeted. “Africa’s increase from 1 to 4 billion people!” Four billion people before 2100, meaning that Africa will have a population on par with Asia. –Africa’s population explosion will change humanity – Business Insider The last 100 years have seen an incredible increase in the planet’s population. Some parts […]

West African Kings & Gold

West African Kings & Gold

Historian David Olusoga uncovers a history that is as surprising as it is revealing. The English had one of their great bursts of fascination with this continent and its people ultimately it wasn’t the Portuguese the English had to win over but the local (African) kings.   We know that the first English traders who […]

Black women are the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs in the U.S.

Black women are the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs in the U.S.

Black women are the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs in the U.S. They own 1.5 million businesses between them, up 322% since 1997. Their companies generate $44 billion a year. – So why is no one investing in their startups? Why have black women received only .2% of all venture funding in the past five years? […]

Haiti’s Oil Reserves Larger Than Venezuela?

Haiti’s Oil Reserves Larger Than Venezuela?

According to French scientist Daniel Mathurin, “The Central Plateau, including the region of Thomond, the plain of the cul-de-sac and the bay of Port-au-Prince are filled with oil”. He added that “Haiti’s oil reserves are larger than those of Venezuela . An Olympic pool compared to a glass of water that is the comparison to […]

The Emir of Dubai has flown $366,000 of emergency supplies to Haiti on his private jet.

The Emir of Dubai has flown $366,000 of emergency supplies to Haiti on his private jet.

He sent 90 tons of emergency supplies in his Boeing 747 to the Caribbean island in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. According to the Dubai government, the Sheikh’s wife, Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, personally oversaw the relief mission which included tents, mosquito nets, medical supplies and water purification units. Haitians are urging people not […]

Haiti / Ayiti 1804 Tattoos

Haiti / Ayiti 1804 Tattoos

The only slave uprising in history to end with the foundation of a new country—went on to inspire countless other revolts throughout the United States and the Caribbean. English translation from Haitian Creole :  “What doesn’t kill you strengthens you” A bloody, thirteen-year revolution ensued, a complex web of wars among and between slaves, whites, […]

The Phoenicians

The Phoenicians

Their major trade routes were by sea to the Greek islands, across southern Europe, down the Atlantic coast of Africa, and up to ancient Britain. In addition, Arabia and India were reached via the Red Sea, and vast areas of Western Asia were connected to the homeland via land routes where goods were transported by […]

Book: The Golden Trade Of The Moors

Book: The Golden Trade Of The Moors

The late Edward William Bovill was a historian and author of numerous books. Published by: Cambridge University Presson behalf of the International African Institute An account of the golden trade of the Moors, and a source book on Saharan trade routes, caravan organization and Sudanese history. The author covers anthropology and economic geography as well as history, […]

Top 12 Languages Spoken By Africans & African Descendants around the world.

Top 12 Languages Spoken By Africans & African Descendants around the world.

List In Random Order 1- English 2- French 3- Arabic 4- Swahili 5- Portuguese 6- Spanish 7- Hausa 8- Oromo 9- Yoruba 10- Igbo 11- Amharic 12- Zulu As the world develops, certain languages will die out while others will thrive. So which languages will dominate in the future? The most-populated nations in the world in 2050. Top 5 Useful […]

Men with lower income prefer voluptuous women?

Men with lower income prefer voluptuous women?

What Men “Know” Without Knowing Men haven’t a clue about why they prefer certain body shapes or why their brains light up when they see narrow waists and well-rounded hips and thighs. But the preferences encoded in their genes by millennia of evolution help reveal what it is about women’s bodies that foretells success in […]

Wealthy men prefer slim women?

Wealthy men prefer slim women?

Men with higher incomes showed stronger preferences for women with slender bodies. Model: Joan Smalls Men with more education also had stronger preferences for female partners who were “good looking” and slender, whereas this was not a concern for women. Men strive so aggressively for higher income and assertively negotiate for raises, “because income affects […]

World’s 2nd largest diamond: 1,111-carat found in Botswana, Africa

World’s 2nd largest diamond: 1,111-carat found in Botswana, Africa

The 1,111-carat stone was recovered from its Karowe mine, about 500km (300 miles) north of the capital, Gaborone. It is the biggest diamond to be discovered in Botswana and the largest find in more than a century. Botswana is located in Southern Africa and bordered by South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe. It is a mid-sized […]

404 carat diamond unearthed in Angola, Africa

404 carat diamond unearthed in Angola, Africa

Lucapa Diamond Company CEO Stephen Wetherall says the 404 carat diamond unearthed in Angola is the 27th largest diamond in the world. It’s worth is estimated at 10,000,000. ‘It’s the biggest diamond ever recorded from the country of Angola and it’s the biggest diamond ever recovered by an Australian diamond miner.’ But it still pales […]

Women Are Now More Likely to Have College Degree Than Men?

Women Are Now More Likely to Have College Degree Than Men?

Young women are driving the change in higher education. – For the first time since the Census Bureau began collecting data on higher education attainment, women are more likely to have a bachelor’s degree than men. – Women Are Now More Likely to Have College Degree Than … National Bureau of Economic Research Why Do Women […]

Ancient City of Djado In Niger, Africa

Ancient City of Djado In Niger, Africa

A fortified trading city in the Sahara along the routes towards Libya: dating back some 800-1,000 years ago. Who built it?   the settlement seems to be constructed from both mudbrick and stone ,if I’m not mistaken. Does anyone else think it looks like something out of a fantasy epic? from PreColonialAfrica Niger, officially the Republic of Niger, […]

Empire – The New Scramble for Africa

Empire – The New Scramble for Africa

The rivalry between Britain, France, Germany, and the other European powers accounts for a large part of the colonization. While tropical Africa was not a large zone of investment, other overseas regions were. The vast interior between the gold and diamond-rich Southern Africa and Egypt had strategic value in securing the flow of overseas trade. […]

The Berlin Conference of 1884

The Berlin Conference of 1884

Greed placed over Humanity. The Berlin Conference of 1884, which regulated European colonization and trade in Africa, is usually referred to as the starting point of the Conquest of Africa. During this period, the land was divided amongst the European elite, without one African representative present. Original African nations was divided  in the name of “progress”. […]

Africa Is Not A Country

Africa Is Not A Country

1.1 billion people on the continent of Africa is home to 54 different nations, more than 2,000 languages and four of the world’s 10 fastest growing economies, but is often painted with a sweeping stroke of doom and gloom. The continent had 7 female presidents. It’s the fastest growing market in the world for mobile […]

The reality of being a male model

The reality of being a male model

Figures form Forbes compiled over the past couple years show that female models make millions more than their males, especially when looking at the top 10 earners of each respective gender. And there’s no contest when you compare the highest paid female supermodel (the recently retired Gisele Bundchen, at over $47 million for 2014) with […]