Elon Musk Profiled: Bloomberg Risk Takers ELON MUSK comes up with design ideas in the shower. That may be his only free time. In 2010, Tesla successfully IPO’d, and SpaceX became the first commercial company to recover a spacecraft from the Earth’s orbit. As a designer, Musk says, he tries “to imagine, from a physics standpoint, […]
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Tag: Moon
NASA’S Forgotten or Unknown Astronauts
Real NASA African American Astronauts Please Click on their names below for more info. Former, current and candidate Michael P. Anderson Guion S. Bluford, Jr. Charles F. Bolden, Jr. Yvonne Cagle Robert L. Curbeam, Jr. Frederick D. Gregory Bernard A. Harris Joan E. Higginbotham Mae C. Jemison More: 1 Ronald E. McNair Leland D. Melvin Bobby […]
Engineering An High-Tech Astronaut Suit For Space Tourism
http://www.fastcodesign.com/1670313/victorias-secret-costume-designer-now-engineering-an-high-tech-astronaut-suit-for-space-tour#1 Great Article! The huspa that these men displayed in moving forward with this project is commendable.