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The feeling of rejection in the brain

The feeling of rejection in the brain

Brain Scans Show Rejection Really Hurts. Romantic rejection, causes physical pain, according to a new study of brain activity. Now MRI brain scans of people jilted in real life show “activation in brain areas that are actually tied to the feeling of pain,” said study co-author Edward Smith, a psychologist at Columbia University in New York […]

What is happening inside your brain when you feel hatred?

What is happening inside your brain when you feel hatred?

Hate involves both the interior, primitive parts of the brain? Our capacity for intense dislike of others of our species may date back as far as 150,000 years. When subjects saw someone they hated, most of the frontal cortex remained active. The more intensively a person said that he or she hated another person, the […]

The Placebo Effect

Scientists have noticed that patients may experience improvements just from thinking they’ve had medicine, even if that medicine is fake. But why does the placebo effect work, and why do some researchers believe it’s growing stronger?

How the human brain works

An animated tour around the human brain