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The Three Mulattoes of Esmeralda from Ecuador, South America?

The Three Mulattoes of Esmeralda from Ecuador, South America?

The three men depicted in the painting are identified in the painting itself as Don Francisco (de) Arobe and (according to one source) his two sons. They wear abundant gold jewelry, much of which is typical of the Indians of the region. Their clothing is obviously European, and they carry spears. Each man is given […]

African Descendants Around The World

African Descendants Around The World

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an English idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does. Pakistan In pictures: Pakistan’s indigenous African community […]


The shocking untold story of the 2006 World Cup – the mindless violence, the racism, the unseen riots and the running battles in German cities as the police tried to protect the hundreds of thousands of genuine fans who were attending the sporting extravaganza. Undercover cameras reveal the ugly face of the beautiful game and […]

Assange and Ecuador’s President Correa