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5,000 Year Old Egyptian Hieroglyphs & Pyramids Found In Australia?

5,000 Year Old Egyptian Hieroglyphs & Pyramids Found In Australia?

Thanks for sharing! Egyptians in Australia-Part 1, looks at the sensational and hotly debated set of close to 300 hieroglyphs found at Kariong near Gosford). There are numerous carved glyphs on sandstone walls. Ancient Lost Worlds and Hidden History. On location videos made by author and adventurer Brien Foerster exploring Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Hawaii, Easter […]

Vikings in Morocco and Africans in early medieval Ireland & Britain?

Vikings in Morocco and Africans in early medieval Ireland & Britain?

This might explain why some Scandinavian genes are showing up in a few DNA test results of African descendants. –Sea expeditions of the Viking Age Three burials from early medieval Britain that have been identified as those of African women on the basis of an examination of their skeletal remains. One of the burials in […]

Ancient land of Punt: Pyramidal structures found in Somalia?

Ancient land of Punt: Pyramidal structures found in Somalia?

Queen Ati, wife of King Perahu of Punt, depicted on Pharaoh Hatshepsut’s temple at Deir el-Bahri. Somalia is among the most probable locations of the fabled ancient Land of Punt. Ancient pyramidical structures, mausoleums, ruined cities and stone walls, such as the Wargaade Wall, are evidence of an old civilization that once thrived in the […]

The Oldest Boat To Be Discovered In Africa Is At Least 8,000 Years Old?

The Oldest Boat To Be Discovered In Africa Is At Least 8,000 Years Old?

Dufuna Canoe is a canoe discovered in 1987 by a Fulani cattle herdsman a few kilometers from the village of Dufuna in the Fune Local Government Area, not far from the Komadugu Gana River, in Yobe State, Nigeria. Radiocarbon dating of a sample of charcoal found near the site dates the canoe at 8500 to 8000 […]

Taking a picture of a tourist

Taking a picture of a tourist

A young woman asked me to take to her picture, so I did. She was delightfully sweet and so happy to be there. I was so excited to be there. The Boat ride was amazing! This was very Stimulating visually. Since we left so early it was a little cold.