“Once we started using money, we found very reliable activation in these emotional circuits. This suggests that it’s not just sex, it’s not just drugs, it’s not just food that activates these circuits, money also activates these circuits and it does so very powerfully.” Could the fact that an ancient part of our brain gets […]
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Tag: areas of the brain
Differences between men & women in the brain?
A pioneering study has shown for the first time that the brains of men and women are wired up differently which could explain some of the stereotypical differences in male and female behavior, scientists have said. The researchers believe the physical differences between the two sexes in the way the brain is hardwired could play […]
What is happening inside your brain when you feel hatred?
Hate involves both the interior, primitive parts of the brain? Our capacity for intense dislike of others of our species may date back as far as 150,000 years. When subjects saw someone they hated, most of the frontal cortex remained active. The more intensively a person said that he or she hated another person, the […]
Exercise is good for your health: It clears skin, releases stress & boost memory
There are many benefits for your complexion that come from exercising regularly. Sweat – Most people attribute sweat to acne production. While it does in some cases, it can also help release trapped dirt and oil from the skin. Sweating opens up your pores allowing any undesirable elements to come to the surface. Of course […]
New technologies promise energy efficient power
All over the world electricity grids distribute alternating current. Today though, thanks to new technologies, direct current would be more energy efficient. Multinationals are pushing for the switch, which promises to be good business.
Television tunes in to the future
IFA, the world’s leading trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances opened in Berlin. Up to 1500 exhibitors and 240,000 visitors tuned in to see how they might be watching television in the years ahead, surfing the net on a tablet or using their mobile smart phone to connect with all sorts of tasks. […]
The Effects of Music on the Brain
The effects of music on the brain from NOVA The growth of media has had an ever-expanding role in the lives of children, especially in terms of a child’s physical and mental health. Here, Michael Rich, MD, MPH, director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Children’s Hospital Boston, comments on media as […]