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Africa’s Great Civilizations

Africa’s Great Civilizations

Watch all six hours of Africa’s Civilizations on the PBS app or online! Major corporate support for Africa’s Great Civilizations is provided by Bank of America, Johnson & Johnson, and Ancestry. Major funding is also provided by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Gilder Foundation, the Corporation for […]

A photo of the Oba’s Pyramid before the 19th century in Benin, Nigeria

A photo of the Oba’s Pyramid before the 19th century in Benin, Nigeria

Please keep in mind that these photos are over 100 years old. I did the best I could, so you can see the details better. The Kingdom Of Kush traded with the rest of the world, all parts of Africa & especially The West African Kingdoms. Kush was at the trade center, that linked India, Europe, […]

Infrared NASA Satellite Imagery Uncovers 17 Pyramids

Infrared NASA Satellite Imagery Uncovers 17 Pyramids

By analyzing high-resolution satellite imagery covering all of Egypt, researchers have reportedly discovered up to 17 lost pyramids, nearly 3000 ancient settlements, and 1000 tombs. When Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt in 1798, he brought more than 150 scientists and scholars along with his massive army. source: mashable The scholars fanned out across Egypt, describing the country’s […]

2 Pyramids & Sphinx Found in Zinder, Niger, Africa

2 Pyramids & Sphinx Found in Zinder, Niger, Africa

February 29, 2012, the Nigerian researcher in Egyptology, Souley Garba announced the discovery he made which was a pyramid in the village of Dan Baki, 20 km from the city of Zinder. As explained by the researcher, there is even a sphinx in front of the pyramid (the sphinx is a species of large statue of lion […]

Warrior Queens of Nubia/Kush/Meroe

Warrior Queens of Nubia/Kush/Meroe

Amanirenas (also spelled Amanirena) was a queen of the Meroitic Kingdom of Kush. The Romans themselves were intrigued by Aminarenas, whom one source described as “a masculine sort of woman, blind in one eye.” Too Much like the Amazons of myth, she was a warrior queen who commanded her own soldiers in battle, something which […]