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The Adungu Harp of Uganda & other African Lyres like the Kora is almost identical to the ancient Egyptian Arched harp?

The Adungu Harp of Uganda & other African Lyres like the Kora is almost identical to the ancient Egyptian Arched harp?

THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN HARP Elaborately decorated model arched harp: the underside of the soundbox, which is in the shape of a ladle, is rounded and finely carved. It ends in a human head, turned slightly to the left, with lengthy wig and double crown. The Adungu Harp of Uganda is strikingly similar to an example […]

Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics & The Dogon Tribe Offer Key To Past?

Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics & The Dogon Tribe Offer Key To Past?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but did that same euphemism exist in antiquity? –artwork Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics is a system of writing that utilized symbols to denote specific meanings. Many contemporary Egyptologists contend that the grouping of hieroglyphics symbols offers a phonetic pronunciation of the words utilized. They imply that these […]

African Descendants Around The World

African Descendants Around The World

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an English idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does. Pakistan In pictures: Pakistan’s indigenous African community […]

Book: The Golden Trade Of The Moors

Book: The Golden Trade Of The Moors

The late Edward William Bovill was a historian and author of numerous books. Published by: Cambridge University Presson behalf of the International African Institute An account of the golden trade of the Moors, and a source book on Saharan trade routes, caravan organization and Sudanese history. The author covers anthropology and economic geography as well as history, […]

Model: Hawa Diawara

Model: Hawa Diawara

Nationality:Unknown Ethnicity: (Malian and Egyptian) African. Ms. Diawara was born in Mali, Africa. Ms. Diawara has the ability to harness the potential spending power of the growing American ethnic market as they can resonate with her experience as an immigrant and minority in the USA. For example, in 2000 the U.S. Department of Commerce conducted a study […]