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One of my favorite links: Space weather

One of my favorite links: Space weather

One of my favorite links

News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

Space elevator to the moon for tourist

Space elevator to the moon for tourist

Space elevator to the moon for tourist

If you have already visited the entire globe, then this maybe your next step. 

Space 'lift' could take tourists into orbit within 40 years

Break Away Civilization – Interesting theory & interview by Richard Dolan

Break Away Civilization –  Interesting theory & interview by Richard Dolan

Break Away Civilization – Interesting theory & interview by Richard Dolan

If this were true, then I envy our space explorers 😉 BTW I love this Photo one of my top Favorites. 

Alternative visual concept for “GODS Of EGYPT” movie

Alternative visual concept for “GODS Of EGYPT” movie

Please keep in mind that Egypt was invaded numerous times in the past. –“The Sorceress”, illustrated by Chris Dacus They could cast actors that looks similar to the people in the Maghreb Region & as far down the Nile River which is an international river that flows through 11 countries that include Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, […]