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Math Gender Gap

Math Gender Gap

Girls’ Math Skills May Fall Short Of Boys’ Because Of Male Impulsiveness. By:, staff Published: 07/28/2012 10:45 PM EDT on LiveScience From an early age, boys tend to take a more impulsive approach to math problems in the classroom, which might help them get ahead of girls in the long-run, suggests the latest study […]

Amazing Methods of Calculation

25,000 yr old Mathematical Instrument found in Congo The oldest complex Mathematical System was found in 1950 in Eastern Congo in the region known as Ishango. It is a carved bone which consisted of notches on 3 faces on the carved bone. These notches suggests an ancient knowledge of multiplication and prime numbers using the […]

Africa’s Great Civilizations

Africa’s Great Civilizations

Watch all six hours of Africa’s Civilizations on the PBS app or online! Major corporate support for Africa’s Great Civilizations is provided by Bank of America, Johnson & Johnson, and Ancestry. Major funding is also provided by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Gilder Foundation, the Corporation for […]

African nations will interconnect power grids by 2020

African nations will interconnect power grids by 2020

“Connections between Kenya and Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, Egypt and Sudan are at advanced stages of being commissioned,” he stated. –okmalume.africaafrica-to-interconnect-power-grids The continent currently generates approximately 120,000 MW of power with the South Africa and Egypt as the biggest producers. He added that the Democratic Republic of Congo’s(DRC) Inga Hydro electric […]

The Adungu Harp of Uganda & other African Lyres like the Kora is almost identical to the ancient Egyptian Arched harp?

The Adungu Harp of Uganda & other African Lyres like the Kora is almost identical to the ancient Egyptian Arched harp?

THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN HARP Elaborately decorated model arched harp: the underside of the soundbox, which is in the shape of a ladle, is rounded and finely carved. It ends in a human head, turned slightly to the left, with lengthy wig and double crown. The Adungu Harp of Uganda is strikingly similar to an example […]

Ancient African Mathematics: The Ishango Bone 26,000+ years old?

Ancient African Mathematics: The Ishango Bone 26,000+ years old?

Found in Sub-Sahara Africa? Older than the ancient Egyptians? “Today, however, the more than 20,000 years old Ishango bone is considered to be the first evidence of a calculator in the world, although in the Lebombo mountains of Zwaziland a similar find has been dated to 35,000 years ago. Named after the place where it was […]

The campaign for the inclusion of the Afro-Chileans in statistics

The campaign for the inclusion of the Afro-Chileans in statistics

Afro-Chileans Aren’t Done Fighting for Representation  Campaign for the INCLUSION of Afro-descendant people in Chile in response to the discriminatory act that Chile’s National Institute of Statistics did to EXCLUDE the Afro-Chilean people in the upcoming 2017 National Census. With this racist act, the Chilean state violates various international treaties with respect to human rights, […]

Queen Dowager Rosalie Gicanda

Queen Dowager Rosalie Gicanda

Queen Gicanda was the wife of Rwandan Mwami (King in the Kinyarwanda language) Mutara III of Rwanda. After her husband died in mysterious circumstances in 1959, the Rwandan monarchy lasted only two more years, under the leadership of Mwami Kigeli V of Rwanda and then coming to an end in 1961. This Queen looks similar to Princess Emma Bakayishonga.  […]

Princess Emma Bakayishonga of Rwanda & the $2.4 million Watussi Woman artwork

Princess Emma Bakayishonga of Rwanda & the $2.4 million Watussi Woman artwork

Watussi Woman is a sublime portrait of a noblewoman in the court of HM Mwami Rudahigwa III, monarch of the Watussi in the territory of Ruanda-Urundi, then part of the Belgian Congo. In an extraordinarily fortuitous development, the identity of the sitter has been confirmed as Emma Bakayishonga in Rwanda in 1942. Famous for her […]

In Search Of Maternal Ancestors

In Search Of Maternal Ancestors

I’m not sure how accurate this is, but I thought this was interesting enough to share. I was told to use 3 separate companies for testing because each company has their own personal data base. For this result 23andMe – DNA Genetic Testing & Analysis was used. Will share the others in the near future. Try this your self […]