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An alpha male is the dominant male in a community or group. Zoologists and related scientists typically use the term to describe top-ranking male animals, but people also apply it to human beings, typically referring to adult men rather than boys. In either case, an animal or person with this label usually is an excellent […]

How Testosterone Secretly Shapes Our Society

How Testosterone Secretly Shapes Our Society

Testosterone has long been considered what makes men masculine. But is this common perception selling the hormone short? Dr Phillips investigates just how this molecule affects our abilities, behavior and health.   “I’ve found I was less drawn by an attractive woman’s body, but found that I could appreciate what people’s expressions were more.” Since […]

App Measures Which Friends Are Stressing You Out And Blocks Them

App Measures Which Friends Are Stressing You Out And Blocks Them

A new app called “pplkpr” is designed to help you recognize unhealthy relationships in your life.   By measuring your emotions via a heart-rate monitor, the app figures out which friends stress you out more often than they make you happy. Then it manages your social life so you don’t hang out with them anymore. […]