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Obelisk returned to Ethiopia after 68 years?

Obelisk returned to Ethiopia after 68 years?

Tens of thousands of Ethiopians cheered, as a 1,700-year-old giant stone obelisk was returned to where it once stood. The two slender carved columns were taken by Italian invaders in the 1930’s. U.N. engineers have helped install it to its original location in Axum. This ancient and holy city was once the centre of a […]

Luxor Obelisk in Paris, France?

Luxor Obelisk in Paris, France?

The Luxor Obelisk is a 23 metres (75 ft) high Egyptian obelisk standing at the center of the Place de la Concorde in Paris, France. It was originally located at the entrance to Luxor Temple, in Egypt. –Wiki The Luxor Obelisk is over 3,000 years old and was originally situated outside of Luxor Temple, where its twin […]

5,000 Year Old Egyptian Hieroglyphs & Pyramids Found In Australia?

5,000 Year Old Egyptian Hieroglyphs & Pyramids Found In Australia?

Thanks for sharing! Egyptians in Australia-Part 1, looks at the sensational and hotly debated set of close to 300 hieroglyphs found at Kariong near Gosford). There are numerous carved glyphs on sandstone walls. Ancient Lost Worlds and Hidden History. On location videos made by author and adventurer Brien Foerster exploring Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Hawaii, Easter […]

Empress Zewditu of Ethiopia, Africa

Empress Zewditu of Ethiopia, Africa

Zewditu (also spelled Zawditu or Zauditu) was an Empress of Ethiopia from 1916 to 1930. The first female head of an internationally recognized state in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the first Empress regnant of the Ethiopian Empire perhaps since the legendary Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, her reign was noted for the […]

Megalithic Stones in Bouar, Central African Republic

Megalithic Stones in Bouar, Central African Republic

Bouar megaliths – Nana-Mambéré. In the surroundings of Bouar city are found some 70 groups of megalithic stone settings (tajunu), most likely created in the Neolithic age. Sites contain burial cists and upright stones. Tallest stones are up to 5 meters high. Bouar megaliths 7440 BC. “In some parts of Africa megaliths survive which are […]

Aksum the ancient city with tombs & the largest megalithic obelisks in Ethiopia, Africa

Aksum the ancient city with tombs & the largest megalithic obelisks in Ethiopia, Africa

The enormous obelisks in Aksum, Ethiopia are much bigger than the famous obelisks in Egypt. The city of Aksum emerged several centuries before the birth of Christ, as the capital of a state that traded with ancient Greece, Egypt and Asia. With its fleets sailing as far afield as Ceylon, Aksum later became the most […]