Sola Rey

Lipsticks In Ancient Times

Modern fashion could not be what it is today without the presence of lipsticks. Lipsticks were with us for thousands of years, and they will remain with as long fashion exists.

Since the dawn of prehistoric times, humans always had the need to distinguish themselves among others. Clothes, shoes, tools, jewelry and cosmetics were first of the ways we managed to do that, but lipsticks and facial paints were one of the most noticeable ways to change our appearance.

I love her nose & large eyes – Sola

The reason for lipstick (in ancient times) was also for medicinal purposes, to protect our lips from natural elements such as dry wind, moisture and sun (lip tissue does not have melanin that protect us from UV rays).

As modern civilizations started to make rapid advances in technology and chemistry, first man made lipstick appeared as a cosmetic tool for the wealthy women and men of ancient Mesopotamia, Indus Valley Region and Egypt. Egypt especially managed to advance the art of lipstick making, managing to produce bright red carmine lipstick.

Now countless lipstick brands fight for worldwide supremacy and invention of new recipes and styles have led us to the point where over 80% of women in North America use lipstick regularly and over 30% of them have 20 lipsticks in their possessions in any time of their adult life.


History of Lipstick – Origin, Invention and Meaning

History of Lipstick

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