On my down time; I kept going to the cafe, library, watching and attending a few lectures, buying books and doing research online on various subjects. I needed to know; Who am I? Where do I come from? How did I get here? Why do I look the way I look? Why do I sometimes receive resentment over my appearance, even before they get to know me?

This ah ha moment occurred mid day, the house was still and quite. My husband left his office curious as to why he didn’t hear a sound. The television, radio was off and I wasn’t on the phone chatting.

curious black and white

When he found me, I was reading a new book. He was perplexed because it was sunny outside and instead of hanging out with family and friends, I chose to stay home. He asked: ” What are you doing? You’re young and healthy. Why don’t you go out and have fun with your girlfriends?” And I replied: “I am enjoying myself, and guess what I found out today? Did you know that in 1,600 B.C…. ?”

He cuts me off and said” Wait, I don’t understand so your obtaining all this information and than your going to die with it? Am I the only one your sharing this with? I said” Yes, why?”.  He replied” why don’t you share this stuff through your own blog with the outside world? That could be a great way for you to share what you learned and make some money on the side through advertisement. He also added that keeping all this interesting information to myself was a waste of knowledge and I should monetize that.

And voila! here I am 4 years later. All things aside this blog became an exutoire and my panacea for me.