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The Three Mulattoes of Esmeralda from Ecuador, South America?

The Three Mulattoes of Esmeralda from Ecuador, South America?

The three men depicted in the painting are identified in the painting itself as Don Francisco (de) Arobe and (according to one source) his two sons. They wear abundant gold jewelry, much of which is typical of the Indians of the region. Their clothing is obviously European, and they carry spears. Each man is given […]

Found in a Brazilian cave “The Luzia Woman” is 11,500 years old

Found in a Brazilian cave “The Luzia Woman” is 11,500 years old

This skull caused a stir of controversy around it. Some of the general public are passionately against the scientific and anthropologist findings till this day. The fossilized cranium has now been identified by Brazilian scientists as the oldest human remains ever recovered in the Western Hemisphere. An Ancient Skull Challenges Long-Held Theories – Anthropologists have […]