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Elon Musk’s commercial space travel corporation

Elon Musk’s commercial space travel corporation

Elon Musk Profiled: Bloomberg Risk Takers ELON MUSK comes up with design ideas in the shower. That may be his only free time. In 2010, Tesla successfully IPO’d, and SpaceX became the first commercial company to recover a spacecraft from the Earth’s orbit. As a designer, Musk says, he tries “to imagine, from a physics standpoint, […]

Eve (Discovery Channel)

Eve (Discovery Channel)

Broadcast (2002) Narrated by Danny Glover, “The Real Eve” reveals that our shared genetic heritage links every living person on earth and traces the expansion of modern humans throughout the world. The discovery of the Eve gene stunned the world. It seems we could all be descended from just one female who lived in Africa. […]