The American actor is the star of the Television series Prison Break, playing Michael Scofield. He was born to a father of African-American, Jamaican, English, German, Jewish and Cherokee ancestry and a mother of Russian, French, Dutch, Lebanese and Syrian descent. Regarding his ethnicity and his experience with racism, he made the comment on an interview:
“My experience is that I find myself having to constantly define myself to others, day-in, day-out…My encounters with racism are sort of second-hand situations where I might be standing around with a group of white friends and someone makes a comment that they wouldn’t make, say, at my family reunion. It leaves a cut.”
Miller then segued to The Human Stain (2003), a feature film directed by Robert Benton and starring Anthony Hopkins and Nicole Kidman. A movie examining questions of race, class and identity, it featured Hopkins as an embattled college professor struggling to conceal an incredible secret, with Miller playing the same character as a young man.
Graduated from Princeton with a degree in English.
His mother Joy Marie Palm, is a Special Education Teacher. His dad is a former Brooklyn assistant district attorney.
His father, Wentworth Earl Miller II is a Lawyer and a graduate of Yale.
He has two younger sisters, Gillian and Leigh. Gillian is studying to get her PHD in Massachusetts and Leigh is in Law School in Virginia.
From left to right:
Wentworth Miller, a man identified as WM’s uncle Chris, WM’s father.
Personal Quotes
When I got to college, acting suddenly seemed like a very risky proposition and all my friends were going to law school or med school or Wall Street.
My father is black and my mother is white. Therefore, I could answer to either, which kind of makes me a racial Lone Ranger, caught between two communities.
I’m hoping that what I am or what I’m not ethnically doesn’t limit me in anyone else’s eyes. I guarantee you it doesn’t in mine.
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