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Wealthy men prefer slim women?

Wealthy men prefer slim women?

Men with higher incomes showed stronger preferences for women with slender bodies. Model: Joan Smalls Men with more education also had stronger preferences for female partners who were “good looking” and slender, whereas this was not a concern for women. Men strive so aggressively for higher income and assertively negotiate for raises, “because income affects […]

Women’s Body Types

Women’s Body Types

 Genetics: Be realistic in the body your soul is born in. -Sola     I personally think it’s fun to follow trends but make sure, first and foremost it’s flattering to your figure.  

Science: Women are more attractive when their ovulating?

Science: Women are more attractive when their ovulating?

Psychologists at the University of Texas have discovered that women look and feel more attractive when they are at their most fertile. The women also changed physically. Their waists shrank by about half an inch, giving them a more curvaceous and shapely silhouette, and their breasts were likely to be more symmetrical. We learned beyond a […]