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Vikings in Morocco and Africans in early medieval Ireland & Britain?

Vikings in Morocco and Africans in early medieval Ireland & Britain?

This might explain why some Scandinavian genes are showing up in a few DNA test results of African descendants. –Sea expeditions of the Viking Age Three burials from early medieval Britain that have been identified as those of African women on the basis of an examination of their skeletal remains. One of the burials in […]

The Ivory Lady of York, In 350 AD England

The Ivory Lady of York, In 350 AD England

Archaeologists have revealed the remains of what they say was a “high status” woman of African origin who lived in York during Roman times. Academics say the discovery goes against the common assumption that all Africans in Roman Britain were low status male slaves. The university’s Dr Hella Eckardt said a study of the skull’s size […]