Pop singer Jamelia goes in search of the truth behind the multi-million pound human hair extensions industry. Jamelia grew up experimenting with hair extensions and nowadays they have become an essential part of her stage persona. From celebs to schoolgirls, women will spend anything from £20 to £2,000 to clip, glue or sew another girl’s hair on to their heads. This film accompanies Jamelia as she follows a trail of hair back to its roots. The international road trip takes her from the exclusive London salons to a dingy Moscow apartment where men trade human ponytails for cash, and to the hair sacrificing temples of Southern India. The journey brings her face to face with some of her worst fears when she witnesses hair being shaved from toddlers’ heads and a 13 year old who’s flogging her hair in exchange for pocket money. But she’s also humbled by her experience when she connects with women who still choose to sacrifice it for financial or religious purposes.