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Vikings in Morocco and Africans in early medieval Ireland & Britain?

Vikings in Morocco and Africans in early medieval Ireland & Britain?

This might explain why some Scandinavian genes are showing up in a few DNA test results of African descendants. –Sea expeditions of the Viking Age Three burials from early medieval Britain that have been identified as those of African women on the basis of an examination of their skeletal remains. One of the burials in […]

Man & Zebra in Byzantine mosaic, Turkey

Man & Zebra in Byzantine mosaic, Turkey

’Black man and zebra in Byzantine mosaic in Urfa.’ Tesserae (mosaic stones) made of rocks from the riverbed of the Euphrates were used to depict a black man leading a zebra. – The 5/6 th century floor mosaic can be found in the “Villa of the Amazons”, a palatial house, that probably belonged to an […]

Book: The Golden Trade Of The Moors

Book: The Golden Trade Of The Moors

The late Edward William Bovill was a historian and author of numerous books. Published by: Cambridge University Presson behalf of the International African Institute An account of the golden trade of the Moors, and a source book on Saharan trade routes, caravan organization and Sudanese history. The author covers anthropology and economic geography as well as history, […]