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Roman Men & The Sabine Women

Roman Men & The Sabine Women

There was a shortage of available women for all of these men, so Romulus and the Romans organized a festival where surrounding peoples and their families were invited. While the male’s were inebriated, the daughters and single women were kidnapped and they all retreated behind Rome’s defenses. When the Romans refused to return the women, […]

Men with lower income prefer voluptuous women?

Men with lower income prefer voluptuous women?

What Men “Know” Without Knowing Men haven’t a clue about why they prefer certain body shapes or why their brains light up when they see narrow waists and well-rounded hips and thighs. But the preferences encoded in their genes by millennia of evolution help reveal what it is about women’s bodies that foretells success in […]

Science Fun Fact: Male vs Female Brain

Science Fun Fact: Male vs Female Brain

Research indicates that men and women have different structures and wiring in the brain. For example, the frontal lobe-which is responsible for problem solving and decision making , and the limbic cortex-which is responsible for regulating emotion, are larger in women. Women also have about 10 times more white matter than men. < hummm….? Chemistry […]