Research published by the Royal Society indicates that a woman can accurately establish a man’s masculinity and his affinity for children simply by looking at a picture of his face. Women also made judgments about long-term and short-term relationships by looking at a man’s face. –Brazilian Model Larissa Diniz, UK Photographer Michael Sheller Women and men […]
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Tag: male vs female brain
People with an ‘O’ blood type have more grey matter in their brain?
IRCCS San Camillo Hospital Foundation in Venice, shows that people with an ‘O’ blood type have more grey matter in their brain, which helps to protect against diseases such as Alzheimer’s, than those with ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘AB’ blood types. The researchers calculated the volumes of grey matter within the brain and explored the differences […]
Are women kinder than men?
New research reveals that women are prone to be kinder and more generous than men. When a woman exhibits some form of kindness, it triggers a greater reward signal than it does in men. Women may at times have higher levels of “oxytocin” – sometimes called the “cuddle hormone” or “love hormone” because it is linked […]
Wealthy men prefer slim women?
Men with higher incomes showed stronger preferences for women with slender bodies. Model: Joan Smalls Men with more education also had stronger preferences for female partners who were “good looking” and slender, whereas this was not a concern for women. Men strive so aggressively for higher income and assertively negotiate for raises, “because income affects […]
Science Fun Fact: Male vs Female Brain
Research indicates that men and women have different structures and wiring in the brain. For example, the frontal lobe-which is responsible for problem solving and decision making , and the limbic cortex-which is responsible for regulating emotion, are larger in women. Women also have about 10 times more white matter than men. < hummm….? Chemistry […]