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Ancient burial structures of former Kings from Qa’ableh, Somali, Africa

Ancient burial structures of former Kings from Qa’ableh, Somali, Africa

Most of these historical sites have still yet to be fully explored. The town is believed to harbor the tombs of former kings from early periods of Somali history, as evidenced by the many ancient burial structures and cairns (taalo) that are found here. Qa’ableh is a town in the northern Sanaag region of Somalia. […]

Alternative visual concept for “GODS Of EGYPT” movie

Alternative visual concept for “GODS Of EGYPT” movie

Please keep in mind that Egypt was invaded numerous times in the past. –“The Sorceress”, illustrated by Chris Dacus They could cast actors that looks similar to the people in the Maghreb Region & as far down the Nile River which is an international river that flows through 11 countries that include Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, […]

Estimated 15,000 Pre-historic rock art paintings from Tassili, Sahara Desert of North Africa

Estimated 15,000 Pre-historic rock art paintings from Tassili, Sahara Desert of North Africa

Tassili n’Ajjer is a vast plateau in south-east Algeria at the borders of Libya, Niger and Mali, covering an area of 72,000 sq. km. The exceptional density of paintings and engravings, and the presence of many prehistoric vestiges, are remarkable testimonies to Prehistory. From 10,000 BC to the first centuries of our era, successive peoples left […]