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Science explains why we have different hair

Science explains why we have different hair

Beautiful Curly Hair –Model Koumba Toma Mcdonagh with IMG Models London WHAT DOES SCIENCE SAY ABOUT AFRO HAIR? Although there are no biochemical differences among black, Caucasian, and Asian hair types, there are differences in the hair morphology (8). Black hair appears elliptical or flattened in cross-section, whereas Caucasian hair is oval, and Asian hair round. […]

Braided Ancient Egyptian Wig

Braided Ancient Egyptian Wig

Queen Nefertiti, who lived during the fourteenth century b.c.e., was known for wearing dark blue wigs, and festive wigs were sometimes gilded, or thinly coated in gold. The wig hair often stuck straight out from the skullcap, creating large, full wigs that offered wearers protection from the heat of the sun. Most often black, wigs were […]

Egyptian Eyeliner

Egyptian Eyeliner

Egyptian mummy mask of a Queen from the 19th dynasty During the reign of Ramesses II Ca. 1200 BCE (This is made out of Wood). These ancient artisans were very talented. This carved image of her almost looks like she’s coming to life.-Sola Egyptian Eyeliner May Have Warded Off Disease | Science  Eyeliner was first […]

Ancient Beauty Secrets Of Biblical Or Mythical Proportions?

Ancient Beauty Secrets Of  Biblical Or Mythical Proportions?

King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, Cleopatra and King Herod all bathed in the Dead Sea and enjoyed its healing properties. Dead Sea Salt and Dead Sea Mud have been recognized by millions of people as a single source of health and beauty since the days of Herod the Great, more than 2,000 years ago. […]

Different Ancient Egyptian & Nubian Hairdress, Hair Extensions & Wigs to Inspire

Different Ancient Egyptian & Nubian Hairdress, Hair Extensions & Wigs to Inspire

These are some of my personal and random photos I took from the Brooklyn Museum. Wigs was a sign of higher status in the ancient past, as you know we always had an interest in beauty. Grooming was a way of life. “In ancient Egypt thick hair was favored, and although common women kept their own hair, those of higher […]

Different opinions, feelings and surveys on bio- diversity/Relations

Different opinions, feelings and surveys on bio- diversity/Relations

 diviant art by leo-n Why Are Black Women Considered Unattractive? “I’m a 22 year old African American woman and I’m curious as to why black women are considered so unattractive. Why do we of all women get the worst of the worst labels placed on us? I’ve seen YouTube videos, articles, commentary, blogs, studies and […]