When some of the richest people on earth want to sell their homes they turn to Dolly: The eight billion dollar woman. She’s gained the trust of the rich and famous and her knowledge of their secret lives helped her move over $8 Billion in high-end real estate. Now she’s revealing all, from the new trends in super wealth to secret strategies for selling mega-homes, plus what the world’s super wealthy are buying, selling and how much it’s all worth.
Secret Lives of the Super Rich: Mega-Homes
August 20, 2012Written by sola rey
Documentary, interview, Real EstateBrasil, Brazil, Business, Caribbean, chic, classic, classy, community, economics, economy, education, England, entertainment, Europe, Fashion, Film, Finance, Global, India, international, Latin America, leisure, life, love, Mediterranean, movie, Music, musical, New York, Photography, Real Estate, richest people on earth, runway, Screen Actors Guild, secret lives, secret strategies, style, Travel, united kingdom, Wealth, Women
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