This is a great looking coat! I like the cut because it’s well tailored to a man physique.
The harsh reality is that we make decisions about people within the first 3 seconds of meeting them; we then spend the next 90 seconds trying to confirm our first impressions.This means that before you even open your mouth you’ve been sized up and profiled. Knowing this, a person should always dress neatly, professionally, and appropriately. The fact is you never know who you are going to meet; at anytime you may run into a potential client, a future employer, or for those singles out there, the love of your life. And like it or not, they are going to form their initial impression of you based off of how you look.
We live in a society that overall tends to dress down; our national uniform is a pair of jeans and t-shirt. If you care about your appearance and take action to improve it, you will stand out from the crowd. But that’s not a bad thing.
Positive assumptions:
Well dressed people are given a leg up in many respects – they are often perceived as being smarter, funnier, and more enjoyable to be around. Taking this a step further, dressing professionally can help you appear more important to the success of your company and may even help you hold onto your job. Assuming all other factors being even, who does management let go – the technician who dresses well and can be put in front of a client or the guy who doesn’t own a suit. In this current economic downturn, every small detail matters.
Men’s Fashion: Be A Well-Dressed Man | The Art of Manliness
Richelieu Cognac. Classic men’s derby shoes.
Original roots of Vitto Machiavelli reside in Naples, Italy which was founded by Erkan Emini, a truly passionate young man inspired by the art of the leather jacket making process and as the saying goes, “It runs in the family”.
Craft was traditionally passed down through generations by the hands of his great grandmothers and fathers. The work from home came to be recognized through the words of family members and friends. No social media, or shop but had the hands of gold!
Made in Italy ?? Custom Made Orders Available
Address: 347 5th Ave New York, NY 10016
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