Why do we find certain people more attractive than others? Have you heard it said “you can’t help who you’re attracted to?” while it might be true, your unconscious mind is making DNA level decisions for you.
Why do we find symmetry to be more attractive? Dr.Gancstead says it may have to do with oxidative stress during development in the uterus babies are exposed to more or less free radicals. The more free radicals in the cells, the more likelihood of damage to DNA. This is called oxidative stress and the more oxidative stress, there is the more asymmetry there will be.
–Photographer: Elevan Model: Kreesha Turner
Asymmetry is a signal of oxidative stress, asymmetry is a signal of possible DNA damage from an evolutionary and unconscious viewpoint, we are looking for partners who do not have DNA damage.
Thanks for sharing!
Symmetrical features are a clue that someone has less DNA damage, bolstering that theory is the research that shows that men who are rated more attractive have less oxidative stress.
Brain Signal is a collaboration between Dr. Susan Weinschenk and TruScribe to present bite size brain science you can apply in your life.
Susan “The Brain lady” has 30 years of experience as a behavioral psychologist. She is the founder and principal of Weinschenk Institute, an author, and a mentor.
–Photographer: K. Rish Model: Tiana Parker
Women are attracted to men that would give them a more diverse gene pool.
From your point of view, what is DNA damage?
To be frank, I never really thought of it (DNA damage) until I stopped and asked myself “why do some people find one person more attractive than the other?” I needed to know, so I started digging and found a scientific explanation for it. Basically from what I learned, it’s instinctual & a survival mechanism: something you or your body does automatically, in order to survive (mother nature) / biological way of finding a healthy mate.