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Why exercise is good for the brain

Why exercise is good for the brain

Working out keeps your brain young, suggests a new study from Columbia University and the University of Miami.  The benefits of physical exercise, especially aerobic exercise, have positive effects on brain function on multiple fronts, ranging from the molecular to behavioral level. According to a study done by the Department of Exercise Science at the […]

Science Explains The Attraction To The Hour Glass Shape

Science Explains The Attraction To The Hour Glass Shape

A common aim is to identify specific features that possibly evolved as signals indicating mate breeding potential. Several cross-cultural studies have already determined that men from all countries and from all races tend to find hourglass-shaped women more appealing. Even from ancient times, women with larger, curvier hips have been associated with fertility, and so, strictly […]

Sequencing My Genome

Sequencing My Genome

For privacy reasons I will not post my specific genetic variations but will share & summarize some pretty interesting facts… 1 – Intelligence; longevity a May 2014 paper suggests this variant improves intelligence. Has higher cranial capacity. Another IQ gene? Better intracranial volume? Slightly increased lifespan? This is a well known longevity gene. Longer telomeres, […]

Ancient Egyptian Martial Arts?

Ancient Egyptian Martial Arts?

In ancient Egypt, Tahteeb or Tahtib was used as a form of martial arts. Its role has since changed to that of a festive game but some of the symbolism and values associated with the practice remain. Performed in front of an audience, it involves a brief, non-violent interchange between two adversaries, each wielding a long […]

African Gladiators Under Caesar’s Rule?

African Gladiators Under Caesar’s Rule?

Caesar, Morituri te salutant! [“Caesar, Those about to die salute you.!”] The city was becoming an important trade center. Probably in the first half of the sixth century, the Carthaginian admiral Hanno founded several colonies along the coast of what is now Morocco and proceeded to the gold river Senegal, and even reached Mount Cameroon. […]

Olympic Gold Medalist: Sherri Howard, as Queen Isis in The Scorpion King

Olympic Gold Medalist: Sherri Howard, as Queen Isis in The Scorpion King

Nationality: (Sherman, Texas) American Ethnicity: African descent Sherri Frances Howard  is a former  athlete who competed mainly in the 400 metres. She is the older sister of 1988 relay teammate Denean Howard. More fascinating is she has a B.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering from California State University. She competed in the 1980 Olympic trials in the […]