These kids are orphans, raised and trained by Taiwanese (Taiwan) monks in Malawi country in Africa.
Founded by Taiwan-born Dharma Master Hui Li (慧禮)
The 55-year-old Taiwan man, who is also known as the “African monk” for his dedication to the continent, has made it his lifelong mission to raise funds to build care centers and schools for orphans in as many African countries as possible. The facilities he has built, in countries including Malawi, Swaziland, Lesotho and Zimbabwe.
–Cultivating kungfu masters in Africa – China Daily
Watch performance
–Thank you for sharing
Thank-you tour of Asia that will take them to Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Taiwan.
–Malawian orphans hold performance for Taiwanese aid – Taipei Times
English speaking narrator for part #2
–Thank you for sharing
Impressed by the Malawian children’s proficiency in singing songs in the Taiwanese dialect and in the martial arts, Chen pledged to donate NT$10,000 a month to the organization.
At City Hall, the monk expressed his thanks to the mayor for taking the time to meet him and the children and for her support. Such support inspired the group to launch the tour of gratitude in Taiwan that will also take it to Taichung, Tainan and Taipei, the monk said.
Hui Li, who became a monk at the age of 23, is a trusted disciple of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of the Fo Guang Shan Monastery in Kaohsiung County, southern Taiwan.
He traveled to South Africa in 1992 to build the Fo Guang Shan’s Nanhua Monastery, the group’s first foothold — and the first Buddhist hub — in South Africa.
–Orphans from Africa on tour of gratitude in southern Taiwan
A Buddhist monk is taking a stand against poverty, giving hope to those who have no one else to turn to by building buddhist orphanages across Africa – teaching the kids an array of skills; from farming to mathematics, buddhism to biology, and preparing them for successful lives.
One of the skills that the orphans learn – to help build self-mastery, and a sense of pride and self worth – is Kung Fu.
Under the tutelage of Shaolin Monks, these children are becoming formidably skilled – and are using those skills to give back to the orphanage that they call home.
To find out how you can get involved and support the Amitofo Care Centres projects, visit:
English CC is available just click on the icon on the bottom right. It’s not an exact translation but you get the idea.
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